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1. Re: Embedded container does not shutdown propertly
fatbatman Jun 7, 2007 9:47 AM (in response to jc7442)I've noticed this also.
2. Re: Embedded container does not shutdown propertly
jc7442 Jun 14, 2007 5:52 AM (in response to jc7442)My solution was to not use shutdown, just check is the bootstrap was started or not and to deploy/undeploy my EJB3, JMS queues and topics, ...
It works fine for EJBs. Unfortunately for JMS queues and topics, if I undeploy the topics, when I try to redeploy it, topics is not deployed.
As I use Embedded for JUnit tests that's a big issues. -
3. Re: Embedded container does not shutdown propertly
bill.burke Jun 15, 2007 2:21 PM (in response to jc7442)So redeployment of queues/topics doesn't work? That should work, i'll create a unit test.
Currently though, you cannot boostrap more than once. Look at the unit test samples and how they work.