1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 9, 2009 1:16 PM by xnejp03.pnejedly.ondemand.co.uk

    jBPM Deployment in a Seam Environment


      Hello everyone,

      first of all I would like to tell you some details of my seam environment:
      Eclipse Ganymede 3.4.1
      Jboss Tools 3.0.0 CR2
      Seam 2.1.1 GA
      jBPM 3.2.5
      JBoss 5.0.0

      I've looked at the dvd store example as it uses jBPM in a seam environment. Obviously every pageflow and process definition has to be placed in /EarContent.

      At developing time I would like to structure those page flows and process definitions... with JBoss Tools you can create a process definition using the wizard. It creates a new directory containing the processdefinition.xml, a xml-file containing design information and an image of the graph.

      Now I think where I should create these processdefiniton directories in my projects/folders. Is it possible to auto-deploy from this place to /EarContent? Or do I have to write an ant script to do this job?

      The DVd store example soesn't answer this question as the jpdl.xml files are already stored within /EarContent and are not located somewhere else.

      Thanks for your hints!

      Kind regards