6 Replies Latest reply on Feb 28, 2009 11:06 PM by sherkan777

    Component.getInstance(...) problem


      I try to get APLICATION scope component instance from conversation scope another component by:


      Is this possible?

      Here is my STSB


      and conversation bean

      SGUniNewsAction action = (SGUniNewsAction)Component.getInstance(SGUniNewsAction.class, false);

      after that I get

      Class cast exception error

        • 1. Re: Component.getInstance(...) problem

          if SGUniNewsAction is the bean class, you need to use the local interface in your code. Post the bean src and I will give an example if you are still hacing trouble.

          • 2. Re: Component.getInstance(...) problem

            Jep, this is STSB

            My bean which I want to get:

            public class SGUniNewsAction extends GameSystem implements SGUniNewsConsole {
                    public void loadHotNews() {...}

            My bean from which i want to get SGUniNewsAction:

            public class NewsAction extends PersonSystem implements NewsConsole {
            public void addNews() { 
            SGUniNewsAction action = (SGUniNewsAction)Component.getInstance(SGUniNewsAction.class, false);

            • 3. Re: Component.getInstance(...) problem

              This is what you want:

              SGUniNewsConsole action = (SGUniNewsConsole)Component.getInstance(SGUniNewsAction.class, false);

              With ejbs you always reference them through the Local or Remote interface, this is because the object that is returned is not an SGUniNewsAction, but a proxy that implements SGUniNewsConsole and wraps a SGUniNewsAction instance, with several layers of interceptors in between (this is how it provides all those neat things such as dependency injection and container managed transactions).

              • 4. Re: Component.getInstance(...) problem

                hmmmm, so...how can I get it if this is proxy?

                Can u show me pls, a small example?

                • 5. Re: Component.getInstance(...) problem

                  You call it like this:

                  SGUniNewsConsole action = (SGUniNewsConsole)Component.getInstance("sguniNewsAction", false);

                  • 6. Re: Component.getInstance(...) problem

                    Thanks Stuart, you got beer! :)