1 Reply Latest reply on Apr 16, 2009 5:34 AM by surfingspider

    modalPanel cleans out underneath selectOneMenu selection



      I am trying to use a modalPanel as a form block to stop users from clicking buttons/links after having already done one while the page is loading. Every thing seems to be happy except for h:selectOneMenu which always has the first selectItem replace whatever was there originally leading to loss of selection.., the converter's attached to them never have the getAsObject method invoked.

      Basic structure is

          <h:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.property}">
              <f:selectItems value="#{refdatabean.selectitemsproperty}"/>
          <h:commandButton action="#{doX}" id="btn">
              <rich:componentControl for="bb" attachTo="btn" operation="show" event="onclick"/>

      Putting the componentControl onto the form with event as onsubmit has the same issue. Putting immediate as true on the selectOneMenu does nothing (tried just to see).

      The modal panel is

      <rich:modalPanel id="bb" width="300" height="50">
              <f:facet name="header">
                      <h:outputText value="Processing..."></h:outputText>
              <h:outputText value="Please wait while your request is being processed."></h:outputText>

      pretty simple.

      So, I am using this appropriately, is there another way to universally block form and outputlinks?

