1 Reply Latest reply on May 5, 2009 1:28 AM by gonorrhea

    How do I get <s:button> to send only the given page parameter?



      I am using a page parameter for an edit page to determine what object is edited - what works really well.

      Here's my problem:

      I am using a <rich:dataTable> to list all objects and an edit button per row. The dataTable uses the variable '_customer' and a list that is annotated with @DataModelSelection.

      This is how my seam button looks:

      <s:button value="Editieren" view="/kundeEditieren.xhtml" >
           <f:param name="id" value="#{_customer.intLoginID}"/>

      This works actually but the a 'datamodelselection' key is added. Do you know how to remove it (I need the selection for another method, because of the key I don't need it to be attached neither per GET nor per POST)?

      Thank you in advance!
      Thank you in advance!