2 Replies Latest reply on May 7, 2009 12:02 AM by tony.herstell1

    rich:fileUpload and seam


      I am trying to find some documentation and examples on how to use the rich:fileUpload and seam together.  The most confiusing thing to me is how should the ActionBean look?  Should I be thinking in terms of @In and @Out annotations?  How do you use listeners in this scenario? 

        • 1. Re: rich:fileUpload and seam

          There are plenty of examples for fileUpload functionality.  The Richfaces LiveDemo site has one (if you download the source code for RF, you will see the backing bean code as well).

          There are several s:fileUpload examples in the Seam distro as well.

          Now which one to choose: s:fileUpload or rich:fileUpload?

          • 2. Re: rich:fileUpload and seam

            The RF guys have put their backing bean source for the demo on line.

            Don't have the URL here with me will post later.

            Try searching the RF forums for it.

            Once I looked at that then it was a breeze to get it to almost work ;)