2 Replies Latest reply on May 6, 2009 9:51 PM by israel.bgf


      I have the following action inside a datable colunm:

      <a4j:commandButon value="Select" action="#{bean.select(item)}"/>

      my Method:

      public Person select(Person p){
      return p;

      it gives me an error "wrong number of parameters", why is it happening?

        • 1. Re: Outjection

          Not sure exactly why until we see stack trace but try this.  (Root cause may be improprer usage of @Out annotation)

          Assuming your class is a JavaBean and not an EJB component:

          public class Foo {
              private Person person;
              public void select(Person p){
                   person = p;

          By default, scope for a JavaBean is EVENT.

          same example as a SFSB:

          public class Foo implements FooLocal {
              private Person person;
              public void select(Person p){
                   person = p;
              @Destroy @Remove
              public void destroy(){}

          • 2. Re: Outjection

            Thks for the feedback, the problem was @Out in the method signature... I put it global and worked. Weird anyway.

            Thks again!