2 Replies Latest reply on May 7, 2009 9:19 PM by cash1981

    How to add uniqueConstraint on two columns together

      I have two columns that I want together to be unique validated.

      I have column username and a ManyToOne organization that together must validate unique.

      ie, if the table has these values:

      select * from table
      username = admin
      organization = Foo

      and we insert:
      username = admin
      organization = Bar

      Result should be ok. and this should fail:
      username = admin
      organization = Foo

      But the following annotation on my Entity doesnt work
      @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "username", "organization_id" })
      public class ....

      private Organization organization;

      private String username;

      I have solved it by creating a trigger @PreUpdate and @PrePersist that manually checks it, but it would be nice to have the database constraint.
      Any help?
      PS: Sorry about formatting, but I couldnt get code block to work
        • 1. Re: How to add uniqueConstraint on two columns together

          If you know how to write the DDL in T-SQL or PL/SQL, etc. you should do that to mod the table definition and then reverse engineer the table.

          Here is an example with MSSQL:

               [SettingID] ASC,
               [SiteID] ASC

          @Table(name = "ApplicationSettingValue", uniqueConstraints = @UniqueConstraint(columnNames = {
                    "SettingID", "SiteID"}))
          public class ApplicationSettingValue implements java.io.Serializable {

          • 2. Re: How to add uniqueConstraint on two columns together
            Thanks, I will try your solution although what I still wonder about is what should be the columnName for the ManyToOne.

            The table says organization_id. My guess thats the correct one to use.