1 Reply Latest reply on May 12, 2009 2:29 AM by pedrosena

    Accessing ConversationEntries from @Asynchronous

      Hello to everyone,

      I'm trying to monitor my application accessing ConversationEntries from an asynchronous task...

      Ther's a problem... Accessing from asynchronous give me back a conversation entries object empty... I thought it's a right behaviour, but how can I retrieve the information I need?!?

      In particular I'd like to log any 5 minutes how many Conversations are working on my application and on wich viewId they'r working on...

      Thank you for replies!!

        • 1. Re: Accessing ConversationEntries from @Asynchronous

          Hi Francesco,

          Asynchronous tasks are executed in different threads.

          For that reason, they have no access to Session or Conversation scopes.

          When using Asynchronous tasks, make sure that you have passed all that you gonna need from seam as parameter.

          AFAIK, you have access just to EVENT and APPLICATION scopes.

          I'm not very sure about the last sentence, but I'm sure you have no access to conversation neither session.


          Pedro Sena