8 Replies Latest reply on May 19, 2009 1:58 PM by surfingspider

    commandButton not calling action

      In the segment of code below, for some odd reason, I am seeing two strange effects.

      1.  The form submission never calls my validator.
      2.  rcounter has no value when i try to use it in the form id, but it does have a value in the hidden field.

      I am using SEAM 2.1.1.GA, Richfaces 3.3.0 GA, and JSF 1.2_09-b01-BETA1.

      Any help in resolving these issue would be greatly appreciated.

      <s:div rendered="#{commentViewList.hasData(imageFullView.id)}">
                               <rich:dataTable value="#{commentViewList.getCommentViewList(imageFullView.id)}" var="com" rowKeyVar="rcounter" id="table"  columnsWidth="100px,500px,100px" >
                                 <rich:column sortable="false" styleClass="commentBorder"> 
                                     <f:facet name="header">
                                         <h:outputText value="Name"/>
                                     <h:outputText value="#{com.name}"/>
                                 <rich:column sortable="false" styleClass="commentBorder">
                                     <f:facet name="header">
                                         <h:outputText value="Comment"/>
                                     <h:outputText value="#{com.comment}"/>
                                 <rich:column sortable="false" styleClass="commentBorder">
                                     <f:facet name="header">
                                         <h:outputText value="Time"/>
                                     <h:outputText value="#{com.time}"/>
                                 <rich:column sortable="false" styleClass="commentBorder" rendered="#{commentViewList.hasCommentByCurrentUser()}">
                                     <f:facet name="header">
                                         <h:outputText value="Delete"/>
                                     <s:fragment rendered="#{(com.uid eq servletUtils.userID) or imageFullView.isOwner()}">
                                          <h:form id="delComment_#{rcounter}">
                                               <h:inputHidden id="delValue" value="#{com.id}" />
                                               <h:inputHidden id="delImage" value="#{imageFullView.id}" />
                                               <h:inputHidden id="count" value="#{rcounter}" />
                                               <h:commandButton type="submit" action="#{deleteCommentValidator.validate}" value="X" />
        • 1. Re: commandButton not calling action

          I've never even contemplated using EL in an id attribute value.  Why do you need to make your id's values dynamic?

          Have you tried replacing #{rcounter} with 1?

          Is your deleteCommentValidator component a JavaBean or EJB?  If EJB, is a local/remote interface implemented by your SFSB/SLSB implementation class?

          • 2. Re: commandButton not calling action
            The values are unique so I can determine which item in the list the user selected when the form is submitted.  If you have a better way to pass this value, i'd love to hear it because I've been having no luck.

            If I use 1 instead of rcounter, then every form has an id of "delComment_1".

            the deleteComponentValidator is a JavaBean.
            • 3. Re: commandButton not calling action

              your inner form should already have an id of table:n:delComment where n is the row number. if the var com is what the validator is validating, then you can do deleteCommentValidator.validate(com), and also put the form outside the table.

              i do similar inside a pageflow transition action.

              • 4. Re: commandButton not calling action
                Tried that, but still my validator is not called.  It's like it's completely ignoring the validator.

                <s:div rendered="#{commentViewList.hasData(imageFullView.id)}">
                                              <rich:dataTable value="#{commentViewList.getCommentViewList(imageFullView.id)}" var="com" rowKeyVar="rcounter" id="table"  columnsWidth="100px,500px,100px" >
                                                <rich:column sortable="false" styleClass="commentBorder"> 
                                                    <f:facet name="header">
                                                        <h:outputText value="Name"/>
                                                    <h:outputText value="#{com.name}"/>
                                                <rich:column sortable="false" styleClass="commentBorder">
                                                    <f:facet name="header">
                                                        <h:outputText value="Comment"/>
                                                    <h:outputText value="#{com.comment}"/>
                                                <rich:column sortable="false" styleClass="commentBorder">
                                                    <f:facet name="header">
                                                        <h:outputText value="Time"/>
                                                    <h:outputText value="#{com.time}"/>
                                                <rich:column sortable="false" styleClass="commentBorder" rendered="#{commentViewList.hasCommentByCurrentUser()}">
                                                    <f:facet name="header">
                                                        <h:outputText value="Delete"/>
                                                    <s:fragment rendered="#{(com.uid eq servletUtils.userID) or imageFullView.isOwner()}">
                                                         <h:commandButton action="#{commentViewList.delete(com)}" value="X" />

                • 5. Re: commandButton not calling action

                  just a quickie... is 'com' (table variable) defined by any bean @Name? I've found that I've had to use different var names otherwise seam would likely create/use the bean by name rather than the var version.

                  • 6. Re: commandButton not calling action

                    no other variables had the name com.  I have however gone a different route.  I found several posts that talk about issues with rich:datatables and h:commandbuttons.  I have replaced the h:commandButton with an s:link and implemented @DataModel and @DataModelSelection.  While I would like to use a post, i can live with the get used by s:link.  Thanks for your help.

                    • 7. Re: commandButton not calling action

                      Ronald Stampley wrote on May 18, 2009 03:19:

                      no other variables had the name com.  I have however gone a different route.  I found several posts that talk about issues with rich:datatables and h:commandbuttons.  I have replaced the h:commandButton with an s:link and implemented @DataModel and @DataModelSelection.  While I would like to use a post, i can live with the get used by s:link.  Thanks for your help.

                      what posts specifically?  I have used rich:dataTable and h:commandButton extensively with no problems that I can recall...

                      • 8. Re: commandButton not calling action

                        As above I use this extensively without problem:

                        <rich:dataTable id="tasksTable" rows="10" value="#{taskIns.allOpen(user.getUsername())}" var="ti">
                          <rich:column width="50" sortBy="#{ti.id}">
                            <f:facet name="header">
                               <h:outputText value="#{msg.taskbookTableId}"/>
                            <h:commandLink action="#{taskIns.choose(ti.id)}" value="#{ti.id}"/>

                        taskIns is a session bean. @DataModelSelection always starts off with the 0 index element 'selected' which is why i moved off it because other pages ended up getting the wrong thing...