0 Replies Latest reply on May 18, 2009 8:13 PM by roben

    jbpm process definition name


      Hey everyone,

      i started using jbpm for my application and am amazed, how much work it takes from you.
      But now i've encountered a rather basic but nasty problem:
      I want to use a generic todo-list where each user sees his jbpm-tasks. The list should provide links to other pages, where the task can be fullfilled. But in order to determine which page the user has to be sent to, i need to know the name of the task definition. I want to do something like this:

      <s:link view="/doFooTask.xhtml" rendered="#{taskDefinitionName == 'fooDefinition' and task.name == 'fooTask'}"...

      The problem is: I couldn't figure out where to get the taskDefinitionName variable. I searched the whole API for the task class tree... Does anyone have a hint?

      A different approach would be to store the viewId in the task-definition, but that's not possible, or is it?