0 Replies Latest reply on May 22, 2009 10:16 PM by clerum

    Refreshing Former Related Entites


      Hopefully this is fairly simple.

      Seam 2.1.1GA
      JBAS 4.2.3GA

      I have a nested conversation page flow where I have Entity A which is related to Entity B

      On my page I update the association so that entity B is now related to entity C. (A is no longer related)

      The page flow however does an endAndRedirect to take me back a page displaying entity A...which is still showing the relationship to B.

      The actual layout of this is a page flow where you select an organization, then a site, then a voiceGroup. These are all conversations nesting so that the breadcrumbs show something like this.

      Organization List > Organization > Site > Voice Group

      So I'm changing the site which the Voice Group is associated to. The problem is the entity for the first site (A) isn't being refreshed.

      I've tried: setting cascade = CascadeType.All on my getter/setters for the association

      On VoiceGroup.java

      @ManyToOne(cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
      @JoinColumn(name = "site_id", nullable = false)
      public Site getSite() {
              return site;
      public void setSite(Site site) {
           this.site = site;

      On Site.java

      @OneToMany(mappedBy="site", fetch = FetchType.LAZY, cascade = CascadeType.ALL)
      public List<VoiceGroup> getVoiceGroups() {
           return voiceGroups;
      public void setVoiceGroups(List<VoiceGroup> voiceGroups) {
           this.voiceGroups = voiceGroups;

      But it doesn't seem to be refreshing the former site entity. Is there an easy way to handle this?