2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 2, 2009 5:13 AM by yacin

    seam hasPermission + drools



      I upgraded from Seam 2.0.1  to Seam 2.1.1, I extended Identity in order to use the Seam hasPermission

      public class TrackableIdentity extends Identity 

      Once I updated to seam 2.1.1 then extending Identity was not working. I tried to use jboss rules, I did a lot of hard work to understand but I am all the time getting exception. please help is been almost a month I am struggling with this.

      Here is the hasPermission section:

      <ui:fragment rendered="#{s:hasPermission('MANAGE_AGENT_PROFILE', 'W') || s:hasPermission('MANAGE_AGENT_PROFILE', 'R')}">

      For every user's login this is how I am creating the drools facts that will contain the Permission Objects I loaded from Database.

       List<Permission> permissions = new ArrayList<Permission>();
               List<RolePermission> rolePermissions = currPerson.getAppuser().getRole().getRolepermissions();
                if (rolePermissions != null && rolePermissions.size() > 0) {
                     log.debug("####role permissions "+rolePermissions.size());
                     for (int j=0; j<rolePermissions.size(); j++) {
                          RolePermission rolePermission = rolePermissions.get(j);
                          //Principal r = new Role(currPerson.getAppuser().getRole().getRole());
                          //permissions.add(new Permission(rolePermission.getBusinessFunction().getFunctionName(), rolePermission.getAccessRight(), r));
               result = true;

      Each User has one Role and each Role has a List of Permissions and each Permission has one Function, which is the function that the current user has either Read or Write access to it.

      The following is my Jboss rules:

      rule checkWritePermission
           fuct: rolePermission.businessFunction.functionName     
           check: PermissionCheck(name == fuct, action == "W")     
                System.out.println("Passed:  checkWritePermission");

      I am using Jboss5, and Seam 2.1.1, so here is the error I am getting, please help.

      20:27:22,396 ERROR [RuleBase] errors parsing rules in: /security.drl
      20:27:22,398 ERROR [RuleBase] unknown:17:1 mismatched token: [@87,354:358='check',<7>,17:1]; expecting type LEFT_PAREN (/security.drl)
      20:27:22,398 ERROR [RuleBase] unknown:17:24 Unexpected token 'target' (/security.drl)


        • 1. Re: seam hasPermission + drools


          A JBoss rules syntax error I believe. Although I am no expert, please try something like:

          rule checkWritePermission
                    rolePermission:RolePermission(fuct: businessFunction.functionName)
                    check: PermissionCheck(name == fuct, action == "W")     
                    System.out.println("Passed:  checkWritePermission");

          I am not sure if businessFunction.functionName will work, but

                    fuct: rolePermission.businessFunction.functionName

          seems definitely wrong.

          • 2. Re: seam hasPermission + drools

            Thank-you very much, it did fixed the drools issue, but now I have another issue, but first I will try to fix it.