4 Replies Latest reply on Jun 9, 2009 4:20 PM by paulmooney

    Seam Weblogic artifact in Maven Repository


      Currently seam users who are using weblogic and need to deploy seam as an EJB module in order to use things like ejb transaction synchronizations (and I'm sure there're other reasons I don't know about), need to use the jboss-seam-wls-compatible.jar from seam's lib/interop folder.

      Can I suggest making this jar available through the maven repository (repository.jboss.com) somehow? I could think of three ways to do this:

      1. The jar will be it's own artifact with it's own pom file similar to jboss-seam artifact (probably the best approach).
      2. The jar will be available as a separate version of jboss-seam (eg. 2.1.2.CR2weblogic).
      3. The jar will sit in the same location as jboss-seam but will have a classifier on it (like 'weblogic' thus making jboss-seam-2.1.2.CR2-weblogic.jar), so it will share the same pom as jboss-seam. Maven users can reference it like this:


      I'm not sure how this will affect maven's downloading of source and javadoc jars so this might not be the best approach.

      This is just a suggestion for improvement, I'm wondering if there's any interest, if I should open a JIRA or not.