5 Replies Latest reply on Jun 9, 2009 2:33 PM by lvdberg

    could not acquire lock

      sometimes i got following error message

      Caused by java.lang.IllegalStateException with message: "could not acquire lock on @Synchronized component: MyBean"

      code is

      @Scope(value = ScopeType.SESSION)
      public class MyClass implements MyBean{

      what is the problem? what can i do?
        • 1. Re: could not acquire lock


          could you provide some more information. It seems that you want to do something with MyBean on a session level. The reason you want a lock is that because of a using different winodws/frames or ajax requests?


          • 2. Re: could not acquire lock

            Sometimes I get same exception mostly on ajax requests to my SFSB.

            I've resolvet this by adding synchronisation to bean class.


            • 3. Re: could not acquire lock

              Although the Seam documentation states that aceesing session scoped components are protected from concurerent access, I've found that adding Ajax requests sometimes makes it a bit more complex than you think.

              You should try to solve this first at the source;  meaning add a queue to your pages and if that not sufficient or doesn't work, start synchronizing your beans. Especially run-time errors in synchronised beans can give you a lot of headaches (I found that out myself....)

              This is what I have in every page with forms/partial updates/rich components

              <a4j:queue requestDelay="500" sizeExceededBehavior="dropNew"
                             ignoreDupResponce="true" size="10" id="inputQueue" name="inputQueue" timeout="10000" /> 

              All a4j:support tags, push etc. refer to this queue. Works for me !


              • 4. Re: could not acquire lock

                Yes, this is right idea, also for


                etc., try to add



                Use same queue name for each request to this one SFSB, but this exception can be thrown in pure Seam ajax request for js/Seam remoting.

                What about then? Only way is to catch concurrent requests by adding @Synchronised.

                see this:

                However, you can force a serialized threading model on any session bean or JavaBean component by adding the @Synchronized annotation.

                This concurrency model means that AJAX clients can safely use volatile session and conversational state, without the need for any special work on the part of the developer.

                • 5. Re: could not acquire lock

                  Hi Sherkan,

                  Off course you should add @Synchronized when you're using Seam remoting, but synchronizing your ajax page requests with a queue saves you a lot of additional problems. The browser is not really a multi-threding wonder and I personally find debugging client side requests not the most exiting part of my job. ;-)