0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 9, 2009 8:22 PM by pbrouillette

    a4j:include not refreshing bean in parameters

      I want to include a page using the a4j:include tag.  The page include will be loaded only when a user clicks on some link.  Here is the code sample :

      <a4j:include viewId="page.xhtml">
          <ui:param name="formBean" value="#{beanToAccess}"/>

      The problem I encounter is the following.  The first time I access the included page, a form is filled with information from the beanToAccess.  Then, I hide the included page section from the user.   The reference of the beanToAccess object is then changed and I display the included section again.  At this moment, the included page is still filled with the initial beanToAccess.  Is is possible to refresh the object of the parameter after the include tag is executed ?

      Thank you.