0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 11, 2009 6:24 PM by gonorrhea

    begin-conversation flush-mode="MANUAL" doesn't actualy apply MANUAL flushMode


      Using Seam 2.0.2-FP


      I am using the following config in my pages.xml:

      <page view-id="/RecoveredEquipmentManagement.xhtml">
               <begin-conversation join="true" flush-mode="manual"/>
               <navigation from-action="#{recoveredEquipmentManagement.search}">
                   <redirect view-id="/RecoveredEquipmentManagement.xhtml"/>

      and I checked the flushMode programmatically as follows in my SFSB:

           public void init(){
                allRecoveredEquipmentManagementList = entityManager.createQuery("select rem from RecoveredEquipmentManagement rem").getResultList();
                FlushModeType flushModeType = PersistenceContexts.instance().getFlushMode();
                log.info("flushModeType.name() = "+flushModeType.name());
                //end testing


      09:20:34,302 INFO  [RecoveredEquipmentManagementAction] flushModeType.name() = MANUAL

      So was the JIRA a false alarm or fixed in 2.0.2-FP or what?  That JIRA is still open...

      Or am I missing something here?