0 Replies Latest reply on Jun 25, 2009 6:31 PM by mangelo123

    Page Navigation Broken


      After a user logs in I check if they belong to more than one group. If they do I need them to pick a 'Current Group'. I have tried putting navigation rules in various locations (not at the same time) and nothing seems to work. home.xhtml is ALWAYS redirected to after login.xhtml. I took the entry out of login.page.xml and out of WEB-IN/pages.xml and it still acts this way.

      Here are my entries that I am trying:

      In WEB-IN/pages.xml

          <page view-id="*">
                   <rule if="#{identity.loggedIn and userInfo.currentGroup eq null}">
                        <redirect view-id="/ChooseMemberGroup.xhtml"/>

      In login.page.xml

         <navigation from-action="#{identity.login}">
                   <rule if="#{identity.loggedIn and userInfo.currentGroup eq null}">
                   <redirect view-id="/ChooseMemberGroup.xhtml"/>
                <rule if="#{identity.loggedIn}">
                   <redirect view-id="/home.xhtml"/>

      As I've stated before I don't have these in at the same time. I have even removed ALL of the references to home.xhtml and that is still where the navigation takes you after a login.

      What am I doing wrong???
