0 Replies Latest reply on Jul 6, 2009 6:31 PM by bossy

    reRender not working after DB is changed



      I have two tables with a many-to-many relationship (Building(buildId,buildName)
      and Features(featId,feaName)). The implementation is via a link table.

      I add/remove features to a building entity using the following page:

      <h:panelGrid columns="2" rowClasses="prop"  width="100%" >
                <s:div><a:form styleClass="association" id="featuresChildren" >
                     <rich:dataTable id="featuresTable"  value="#{buildingHome.features}" var="_features" >
                         <rich:column sortBy="#{_features.featCodeDisplayText}">
                             <f:facet name="header">Building Features</f:facet>
                             <h:outputText value="#{_features.featCodeDisplayText}"/>
                         <rich:column >
                             <a:commandLink value="Remove" 
                                   id="removeFeat" action="#{buildingFeaturesHome.removeFeature()}"  >     
                                     <f:param name="featCode" value="#{_features.featCode}"/>
                                    <a:support event="oncomplete" reRender="featuresTable" />
                <s:div><a:form id="buildingFeatures" styleClass="edit" >               
                          <s:decorate id="featCodeField" template="layout/edit.xhtml">
                              <ui:define name="label">Features</ui:define>
                              <h:selectOneMenu value="#{buildingFeaturesHome.instance.id.featCode}">
                                 <s:selectItems value="#{featuresList.resultList}" var="_f" label="#{_f.featCodeDisplayText}" 
                                           itemValue="#{_f.featCode}"  />                            
                          <a:commandLink  id="save" value="Add"  action="#{buildingFeaturesHome.addFeature()}"  >
                                 <f:param name="featCode" value="#{buildingFeaturesHome.instance.id.featCode}"/>
                             <a:support event="oncomplete" reRender="featuresTable" />


      My  BuildingFeaturesHome class has the following two methods:

           String featCode;
           public String removeFeature()
                String ret="";
                this.setId(new BuildingFeaturesId(buildingHome.getInstance().getBuildId(),featCode));     
                return ret;
           public String addFeature()
                if(this.getInstance().getId().getFeatCode()==null) return "";
                     this.setInstance(new BuildingFeatures(new BuildingFeaturesId(BuildingHome.getInstance().getBuildId(),this.getInstance().getId().getFeatCode())));
          String ret=this.persist();
                return ret;

           It all works fine with one exception - the refresh/reRender on the Delete commandLink does not refresh the list with the current features, although the DB is updated.
        There are some exceptions to this - before I add any new features during a conversation the refresh works. But even in this case when I delete the last feature - the refresh again does not work.
        I do realise that this has something to do with the managed/transient state of the entities, but I can't work out why the refresh/reRender is affected by this.

        Any help will be highly apreciated.
