6 Replies Latest reply on Jul 24, 2009 4:16 PM by jamesjmp

    SelectOneListBox strange behavior



      I'm having a strange behavior in my page.

      I have a Entity that has a set as a parameter. Something like this.

      class User {
         Set<Car> cars;

      On my page the set of childrens are represented as a Select listbox

           <s:selectItems value="#{user.cars}"
                var="_car" label="#{_car.name}" itemValue="#{_child}"/>

      I input new cars on a input text box, click on Add button that triggers a action, and set a new car on the User object.

      When I click add, the select box auto updates and the added value appears on my select box.

      To remove a car I select the car on my select, call a action and removes it from the set on the User object. But in this call the select box doesn't updates.

      All my buttons are

      <a4j:commandLink action"#{myAction.addCar}">
      <a4j:commandLink action"#{myAction.removeCar}">

      Sometimes when I add a new car the same happens, the object is inserted on my collection but the object on-screen does not shows it.

      For testing purposes I created another commandLink but without a action, when I click the new link the select box updates and shows the newly added Car or removes the previously removed Car.

      I tried to put a a4j:outputPanel outside my select box and then put the outputPanel id as a reRender param on mine commandLink.

        • 1. Re: SelectOneListBox strange behavior

          Hi Diego,

          try something like:

          <h:selectOneListbox id="someSelect">
               <s:selectItems value="#{user.cars}"
                    var="_car" label="#{_car.name}" itemValue="#{_child}"/>

          <a4j:commandLink reRender="someSelect" action"#{myAction.addCar}">
          <a4j:commandLink reRender="someSelect" action"#{myAction.removeCar}">

          • 2. Re: SelectOneListBox strange behavior

            Hi Francisco,

            I tried that and I have the exact same behavior.

            I was thinking if it was possible that on reRender time the selected object was not removed from the collection.

            But, if that is the case for what reason when I add a object the field is updated correctly.

            • 3. Re: SelectOneListBox strange behavior

              I've just realized that the combo isn't auto updated because I'm selecting one of the fields of my Select.

              Is there any option that I can force the reRender? It may be a desired behavior in some cases but for this one it's really annoying.

              • 4. Re: SelectOneListBox strange behavior


                I am having a problem with a4j. I am getting 'A4J' is undefined.

                • 5. Re: SelectOneListBox strange behavior

                  Roan, check that you have defined a4j in your page composition
                  For example:

                  <ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"

                  Maybe you have


                  instead of


                  • 6. Re: SelectOneListBox strange behavior

                    Diego, to force a rerender when you select one of your items try this:

                    <h:selectOneListbox id="someSelect">
                         <s:selectItems value="#{user.cars}"
                              var="_car" label="#{_car.name}" itemValue="#{_child}"/>
                    <a4j:support event="onchange"
                    reRender="someSelect" ajaxSingle="true" />

                    Good luck!