1 Reply Latest reply on Jul 14, 2009 10:25 AM by javri28.giorgijavrishvili.hotmail.com

    Retrieving a list of Conversation objects (not ConversationEntry-s)


      Hi all,

      greetings from newcomer ;-)

      I'm using jboss-seam-2.1.1.GA.

      I have following:

      DriverLog and its Entries/FuelPayments/SomeOtherPayments etc.
      When selecting DriverLog I'm starting a root conversation with custom ID.
      Each entry and other stuff bellow is processed in nested conversation.

      Following two problems:
      1. As the DriverLog entries might depend on each other I want to avoid processing of multiple entries of the same DriverLog. So my idea was, just before opening an entry, to iterate in the list of conversations and check if any of them has a parentId same as DriverLog's conversationID(wich is known).
      But how can I get the list Conversation objects. All I can do is to get the list of ConversationEntry objects (using either ConversationEntries or ConversationList), but they contain just a meta data!!!

      2. I can't set a custom id to nested conversation. I found some issues about it but it seems it should be resolved in version 2.1.1.GA.
      Here is what I'm doing:
      In Action bean:

      @Begin(nested = true, id = "vle_#{param.conversationId}")
      public void selectVehicleLogEntry(VehicleLogEntry selectedVehicleLogEntry) {

      on the page:

      <h:commandLink id="editEntry" 
        <h:graphicImage value="/img/edit.gif"
            alt="#{messages['label.tto.Open']}" />
        <f:param name="conversationId" value="#{vlEntry.id}"/>

      Many thanks in advance!


        • 1. Re: Retrieving a list of Conversation objects (not ConversationEntry-s)

          Giorgi Javrishvili wrote on Jul 14, 2009 10:24:

          Hi all,

          greetings from newcomer ;-)

          I'm using jboss-seam-2.1.1.GA.

          I have following:

          Entities: DriverLog and its Entries/FuelPayments/SomeOtherPayments etc.
          When selecting DriverLog I'm starting a root conversation with custom ID.
          Each entry and other stuff bellow is processed in nested conversation.

          Following two problems:
          1. As the DriverLog entries might depend on each other I want to avoid processing of multiple entries of the same DriverLog. So my idea was, just before opening an entry, to iterate in the list of conversations and check if any of them has a parentId same as DriverLog's conversationID(wich is known).
          But how can I get the list Conversation objects. All I can do is to get the list of ConversationEntry objects (using either ConversationEntries or ConversationList), but they contain just a meta data!!!

          2. I can't set a custom id to nested conversation. I found some issues about it but it seems it should be resolved in version 2.1.1.GA.
          Here is what I'm doing:
          In Action bean:

          @Begin(nested = true, id = "vle_#{param.conversationId}")
          public void selectVehicleLogEntry(VehicleLogEntry selectedVehicleLogEntry) {

          on the page:

          <h:commandLink id="editEntry" 
            <h:graphicImage value="/img/edit.gif"
                alt="#{messages['label.tto.Open']}" />
            <f:param name="conversationId" value="#{vlEntry.id}"/>

          Many thanks in advance!


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