2 Replies Latest reply on Jul 15, 2009 7:18 AM by swd847

    Cache providers for Hibernate 2nd level cache



      is a great article about using Hibernate 2nd level cache for credit card entity (read mostly entity) with EHCache as the cache provider.  I am identifying our read-mostly entities/tables for use of @Cache and query cache as per the article for performance boost.

      EHCache and JBoss Cache are covered in JPA/Hibernate book as well as section 32.2 of Seam (Yuan, Orshalick, etc.) book.

      Please describe good/bad experiences with both cache providers (or any other supported alternatives like OSCache, SwarmCache) and which ones perform the best.

      We have a 2 node JBoss 4.2 horz cluster without state replication so I'm thinking EHCache may be a viable option for us (single JVM support whereas JBoss Cache supports cluster).

      Is 2nd level cache in our case even recommended? (i.e. is it worth the effort to gain a sizable performance boost or not?)