1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 27, 2011 9:24 AM by marcelkolsteren

    convertEntity and noSelectionValue


      Hi all,

      I´m using <h:selectOneMenu> with <s:selectItems> and <s:convertEntity>, them, when I ssubmmit the page, an exception occurs, because convertEntity tries to convert org.jboss.seam.ui.NoSelectionConverter.noSelectionValue to a Integer value in EntityIdentifierStore:

      public Identifier get(String key)
            return store.get(new Integer(key));
         catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
            return null;

      Probably is an stupid code made by me. Can someone help me please?

      My xhtml code:

      <h:selectOneMenu value="#{pad.fluxoTrabalho}" id="fluxoTrabalho" styleClass="medio">
         <s:selectItems var="item" value="#{fluxosTrabalhoAtivos}" label="#{item.nome}" noSelectionLabel="-- Selecione --"/>