9 Replies Latest reply on Jul 29, 2009 12:08 AM by asookazian

    Form validation does not work with Seam and Hibernate


      Hi all,

      I have a web application which collects data from a webservice. I have a field which needs a minimum of 3 characters before it can make a call to the webservice.
      So I thought why not make a validation for this in the form and make use of the Hibernate Annotations. Is this even possible when you do not use a database at all and only use it for form validation?
      I use Seam 1.2.1GA with RichFaces and Hibernate Validator 3.0.0.GA.

      I have this action:

      public class ZoekOpleidingAction implements Serializable {
           private String zoekLettercombinatie;
           @DataModel(scope = ScopeType.PAGE)
           protected List<IOpleiding> lettercombinatieOpleidingen;
           @Length(min=3, message="min 3")
           public String getZoekLettercombinatie() {
                return zoekLettercombinatie;
           public void setZoekLettercombinatie(String zoekLettercombinatie) {
                this.zoekLettercombinatie = zoekLettercombinatie;
           @Size(min=1, max=10, message="#{['maxOpleidingenList.length']}")
           public List<IOpleiding> getLettercombinatieOpleidingen() {
                return lettercombinatieOpleidingen;

      my page looks like this:

      <!DOCTYPE composition PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
      <ui:composition xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
              <h:panelGrid columns="1" width="100%">
                          <s:decorate name="opleidingZoekOpleidingComb" layout="../layout/validate.xhtml">
                               <ui:define name="label">Zoekterm:</ui:define> 
                               <h:inputText id="zoekOpleidingComb" value="#{zoekOpleidingAction.zoekLettercombinatie}" onkeypress="return submitEnter(this, event, 'zoekLettercombButton')" 
                               style=" width : 350px;" required="true"/>
                          <a4j:commandButton id="zoekLettercombButton" value="Zoek" action="#{zoekOpleidingAction.findOpleidingLetterCombinatie}" 
                          type="submit" reRender="lettercombOpleiding, closedFacet, openFacet"
                          eventsQueue="opleidingLetterQueue" ignoreDupResponses="true"/>               
                           <rich:dataList id="lettercombOpleiding" var="_opleiding" value="#{lettercombinatieOpleidingen}">
                                <a4j:commandLink id="opleidingComb" action="#{zoekOpleidingAction.retrieveOpleidingRelatieEnd(_opleiding, true)}" oncomplete="registreer('#{zoekOpleidingAction.opleidingRelaties.cdOpleidingsnaam}+#{zoekOpleidingAction.opleidingRelaties.omsOpleidingsnaam}+#{zoekOpleidingAction.opleidingDetail.opleidingNiveauBemiddeling.cdOpleidingNiveauBemiddeling}+#{_opleiding.cdOpleidingsnaam}+#{_opleiding.omsOpleidingsnaam}')">#{_opleiding.omsOpleidingsnaam}</a4j:commandLink>
                                <h:outputText id="whiteSpace" value="   " />
                                <a4j:commandLink id="opleidingInfoLink" action="#{zoekOpleidingAction.retrieveOpleidingRelatie(_opleiding)}" 
                                        oncomplete="Richfaces.showModalPanel('informationOpleidingPanel');" reRender="selectedOpleiding"
                                        eventsQueue="opleidingLetterQueue" ignoreDupResponses="true">   
                                    <h:graphicImage id="informationComb" style="border-width:0" value="../images/I.png" />

      the template I use for the page is:

      <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
      <f:subview contentType="text/html"
           <div class="body">
               <script language="javascript">
                    A4J.AJAX.onError = function(req,status,message){  
                         alert("Er is een error opgetreden " + message);
                         return "../error.seam";  
                   A4J.AJAX.onExpired = function(loc, expiredMsg){
                       //alert('Uw sessie is verlopen (Layout)! U wordt teruggeleid naar deze pagina: '+loc);
                       //return loc;
                       //window.location = "../timeout.seam";
                       return "../timeout.seam";                 
                <ui:insert name="body"/>

      the template I use to decorate the input field is this:

      <ui:composition  xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
          <div class="prop">
              <s:label styleClass="name #{invalid?'errors':''}">
                  <ui:insert name="label"/>
                  <s:span styleClass="required" rendered="#{required}">*</s:span>
              <span class="value #{invalid?'errors':''}">
              <span class="error">
                  <h:graphicImage value="../images/error.gif" rendered="#{invalid}" styleClass="errors"/>
                  <s:message styleClass="errors"/>

      so when I fill in just 2 characters I should expect a message but I don't see a message at all. Can someone help me with this?

        • 1. Re: Form validation does not work with Seam and Hibernate

          i never put an hibernate annotation validation on my session bean, it was always on my entity-bean.

          could u try to set a jsf-validator in your inputtext-field?
          something like this

          <f:validateLength minimum="3" />

          The other thing is u are using an a:commandButton, so u must reRender your decorator after submit!
          Give ur decorator an id and put this id in the reRender-Attribute of your a:commandButton

          • 2. Re: Form validation does not work with Seam and Hibernate

            I managed to get this working but not exactly the way I wanted.

            The annotations work.

                 @Length(min=3, message="#{messages['zoekterm.length']}")
                 public String getZoekLettercombinatie() {
                      return zoekLettercombinatie;

            the page is looking like this now:

            <s:decorate id="idOpleidingZoekOpleidingComb" name="opleidingZoekOpleidingComb" layout="../layout/validate.xhtml">
                                     <ui:define name="label">Zoekterm:</ui:define> 
                                     <h:inputText id="zoekOpleidingComb" value="#{zoekOpleidingAction.zoekLettercombinatie}" onkeypress="return submitEnter(this, event, 'zoekLettercombButton')" 
                                     style=" width : 350px;" required="true"/>
                                <a4j:commandButton id="zoekLettercombButton" value="Zoek" action="#{zoekOpleidingAction.findOpleidingLetterCombinatie}" 
                                type="submit" reRender="lettercombOpleiding, closedFacet, openFacet, idOpleidingZoekOpleidingComb"
                                eventsQueue="opleidingLetterQueue" ignoreDupResponses="true"/>

            As you can see I added the


            this will display the message from the annotation. And it is displaying it twice :( HOW CAN I GET RID OF IT DISPLAYING TWICE???

            although it is display a message now, it should work with the decorate instead of the


            . I added the id of the decorate to the a4j:commandButton but that didn't helped. I think this is the nicest solution but I can't seem to get it working. Anybody ideas?

            • 3. Re: Form validation does not work with Seam and Hibernate

              The reason why it is displayed twice is because in your ../layout/validate.xhtml you have h:messages that will display the error message also.

              • 4. Re: Form validation does not work with Seam and Hibernate

                Thanks for the response. I removed the s:messages but still get it twice. I think the ../layout/validate.xhtml is not even executed. Because if it was I should have a


                after the input field because it is required. I don't see this now.

                • 5. Re: Form validation does not work with Seam and Hibernate

                  Is it possible that Seam 1.2.1 doesn't know about the


                  attribute in the

                  <s:decorate />


                  • 6. Re: Form validation does not work with Seam and Hibernate

                    Stupid is I am, the layout attribute doesn't exist, not even in Seam2. That's because layout should be template :).

                    the next problem... It loads the page and I see the label


                    2 times and once just the label


                    Also I see 2 buttons...

                    So there is still something wrong.

                    • 7. Re: Form validation does not work with Seam and Hibernate

                      I found it !!!

                      It is a bug in facelets. Because I build with maven2 I downloaded the facelets from the maven repo. But in this version is a bug, so I replaced this one with the one from the seam dist. and now it works!!!

                      • 8. Re: Form validation does not work with Seam and Hibernate

                        Derk Dukker wrote on Jul 28, 2009 15:42:

                        I found it !!!

                        It is a bug in facelets. Because I build with maven2 I downloaded the facelets from the maven repo. But in this version is a bug, so I replaced this one with the one from the seam dist. and now it works!!!


                        • 9. Re: Form validation does not work with Seam and Hibernate

                          I was under the impression that Hibernate validator annotations do not belong on session beans (i.e. non-@Entity classes) but apparently I'm wrong:
