3 Replies Latest reply on Aug 5, 2009 9:03 AM by sl0005

    Validation messages HTML formatted, best practice?


      I'd like to inform user about validation problems with HTML-formatted messages, but if I use standard tag h:message, it looks like there is no HTML support in it.

                          <h:outputLabel for="email" value="Email" />
                          <h:inputText id="email" value="#{user.email}"/>
                          <h:message for="email"/>

      What is the best solution here to have the error message formatted?

        • 1. Re: Validation messages HTML formatted, best practice?

          I don't understand really well your question.

          What do you mean by HTML Support? You mean change font colors and etc?

          • 2. Re: Validation messages HTML formatted, best practice?

            I mean do not escape HTML output (like in h:outputText there is an attribute escape).

            I want for example to highlight the wrong letters in user input with red background, like this (wrong letters are b and e) :

            Some letteres are wrong in "a<span class="wrongLetter">b</span>cd<span class="wrongLetter">e</span>"

              background-color : #FF3100;

            • 3. Re: Validation messages HTML formatted, best practice?

              I could not find the way for using standard h:message in my case, so I solved it another way, by using h:outputText instead.

              1) HashMap for custom validation messages :

              public class WebMsg extends HashMap<String, String>{
                   @Factory(value = "webmsg", autoCreate = true, scope = ScopeType.SESSION)
                   public WebMsg getMessages() {
                        return new WebMsg();
                   public String get(Object key){
                        String rez=super.get(key);
                        return rez;

              2) Put validation messages in webmsg instead of FacesMessages.instance().addToControl :

              //FacesMessages.instance().addToControl("email", "message");
              webmsg.put("email", "message");

              3) Use h:outputText instead of h:message

                                  <h:outputLabel for="email" value="Email" />
                                  <h:inputText id="email" value="#{user.email}"/>
                                  <h:outputText value="#{webmsg['email']}" escape="false"/>