2 Replies Latest reply on Aug 10, 2009 11:36 PM by kipod

    Locales: custom "messages_he.properties" messages aren't displayed

      Hello all,
      In a simple out-of-the-wizard's-box Seam project,
      I can't seem to get my custom made messages for the Hebrew locale displayed.
      I'm trying the customize validation messages,
      e.g. javax.faces.component.UIInput.REQUIRED .

      faces-config.xml snippet:


      relevant snippet in facelet page:

              <h:selectOneMenu value="#{localeSelector.localeString}">
                      <f:selectItems value="#{localeSelector.supportedLocales}" />
              <h:commandButton action="#{localeSelector.select}"
                      value="#{messages['ChangeLanguage']}" />

      and of course the .properties files exist:

      For the 'en' and the 'fr' locales, it works just fine.
      As for the 'he' one, Seam or JSF or something else along the way
      blurts out:

      "j_id11:j_id15:j_id17: Validation Error: Value is required."

      (which I definitely did not dictate anywhere).
      I thought it had something to do with character encodings,
      even though I originally supplied the messages by the \u**** encodings,
      so I changed the messages
      he.properties file to have only English
      messages in it.
      Still no go.

      I would really appreciate any help or explanation on the matter,

        • 1. Re: Locales: custom "messages_he.properties" messages aren't displayed
          a more readable version of the last part:

          and of course the .properties files exist:

          For the 'en' and the 'fr' locales, it works just fine. As for the 'he' one, Seam or JSF or something else along the way blurts out:

          "j_id11:j_id15:j_id17: Validation Error: Value is required."

          (which I definitely did not dictate anywhere). I thought it had something to do with character encodings, even though I originally supplied the messages by the \u**** encodings, so I changed the messages_he.properties file to have only English messages in it.
          Still no go.
          • 2. Re: Locales: custom "messages_he.properties" messages aren't displayed

            one simple observation:

            Tried putting my own message in messages_he.properties :


            and displaying it as a label on page:

            <h:outputText value="#{messages['welcome']}" />

            But it shows up as "welcome", and not as "Shalom".
            When doing the exact same thing with the messages_fr.properties - it works.

            For some reason, the app ain't using my messages_he.properties ...

            Any advice would be very much welcomed.