0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 11, 2009 3:12 PM by pramirezrey

    EJBQL 3.0


      I have this query:

      queryString= " select m from ChrMemoria m " +
      "where concat (lower(m.codigo)) like concat('%',concat(lower(:codigo),'%')) " +
      "and concat (lower(m.nombre)) like concat('%',concat(lower(:nombre),'%')) " +
      "and concat (lower(m.departamento)) like concat('%',concat(lower(:departamento),'%')) ";

      I have in jsf a h:selectmanymenu join to a variable in entity delegacionList. I want check if m.delegacion is like someone of delegacionList. I dont know the code, i knew this:
      queryString += "and concat(lower(m.delegacion))= some elements(:delegacionList) ";

      Can someone help me or tell me the rigth way?

      Thanks a lot of!