0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 18, 2009 10:05 PM by pjinc

    seam 2.2.0 ant explode failure.

      Hello all,

      I've create basic project using seam-gen (v. 2.2.0). I had no problem opening the project in eclipse (galileo) and running it but when I change anything in xhtml pages it kicks of ant explode. that fails. All I changed was adding a line to a list on the home.xhtml. Redeploying the project solves the problem but it takes long time to redeploy and makes development a very unpleasant experience. Please advice if I need to change build.xml or anything else I can do to fix it.

      Thank you

      C:\java\workspace\dbc1\build.xml:294: Unable to create directory as a file already exists with that name: C:\java\jboss-5.1.0.GA\server\default\deploy\dbc1.war