0 Replies Latest reply on Aug 24, 2009 11:05 AM by spagop

    Situation with <s:div rendered="">: <h:form> does not work within <s:div rendered="">


      Hi altogeher,

      I have now an issue with




      . I have a vertical list menu in a xhtml file home.xhmtl, Where I can click on one menu to open it in the same xhtml, so that I can apply the action for the menu (e.g. Change password). The problem is that when I click on the commandButton for changing the password nothing happen. I suppose that the problem come from

      <s:div id="MyDetailsDiv" rendered="#{navigator.view == 'mydata'}">
      <s:div id="MyPasswordDiv" rendered="#{navigator.subview == 'MyPassword'}">

      Note that the rendering is not the problem, rendering works fine, but the form does not call the action


      But when I removed

      <s:div id="MyDetailsDiv" rendered="#{navigator.view == 'mydata'}">
      <s:div id="MyPasswordDiv" rendered="#{navigator.subview == 'MyPassword'}">

      then the form calls the action changePassword.change great.

      Here is a snippet of my home.xhtml, May be someone already got so a problem.

       <div id="main" class="main_content">
                      <div id="wrapperDiv" class="wide">
                          <div id="content">
                              <div class="w">
                                 <s:div id="MyDetailsDiv" rendered="#{navigator.view == 'mydata'}">
                                          <s:div id="MyPasswordDiv" rendered="#{navigator.subview == 'MyPassword'}">
                                              <h1 class="c">#{messages['msg.user.home.mypassword.update']}</h1>
                                              <h3 class="c">#{messages['msg.user.home.mypassword.select']}</h3>
                                              <div style="width: 220px;">
                                                  <h:form id=ChangePasswordForm>
                                                      <div id="panelChangePassword" class="normalPara">
                                                          <h:outputLabel for="currentPassword" value="Enter your current password: "/>
                                                          <h:inputSecret id="currentPassword" value="#{changePassword.currentPassword}" maxlength="12" size="32" class="textBox"/>
                                                          <h:outputLabel for="newPassword" value="Enter a new password: "/>
                                                          <h:inputSecret id="newPassword" value="#{changePassword.newPassword}" maxlength="12" size="32" class="textBox"/>
                                                          <h:outputLabel for="newPasswordVerify" value="Confirm your new password: "/>
                                                          <h:inputSecret id="newPasswordVerify" value="#{changePassword.newPasswordVerify}" maxlength="12" size="32" class="textBox"/>
                                                              <h:commandButton id="changePassword" action="#{changePassword.change}" value="" image="/themes/2009/img/change-password.gif" alt="Change password" style="border-width:0px;" r/>

      Thanks in advance and I will appreciate any helps / tips and tricks
