1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 2, 2009 4:38 PM by blabno

    page redirect on entity persist


      Total n00B to seam. So some of the issues maybe basic.

      My set-up. I have a Tree panel on the left and entry submission form on the right panel.

      Ideally, what I want:
      1. I enter details on the submission form for a Project.
      2. When I click the Save button, I want a page refresh to occur , but still be on the same page
      3. I want the saved Project to be immediately reflected in the Tree panel.

      What instead happens:
      1. Enter Project details
      2. The Project form persists, and i see a success in the left-had corner.
      3. I click, Done, page refreshes (not yet persisted)
      4. I have to click Done, page refreshes. (persisted at this stage)
      5. Project eventually shows up on the Tree panel

      I am thinking, I need to change the pages.xml ???

      <div class="actionButtons">
      <h:commandButton id="save" value="Save" action="#{projectHome.persist }" rendered="#{! projectHome.managed}" /> 
       <s:button propagation="end" id="cancel" value="Cancel" /> 
      <s:button propagation="end" id="done" value="Done" />

      I have screenshots, but dont know how to attach them of the procedures above.

        • 1. Re: page redirect on entity persist

          Your problem is that conversation is ended after request, so you should have entry in pages.xml :

              <navigation from-action="done">
                      <end-conversation before-redirect="true"/>

          <s:button value="Done" action="done"/>