1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 4, 2009 1:34 AM by niox.nikospara.yahoo.com

    Wiring components from rich:suggestionbox selection


      Hi there,

      I've got this kind of relation between two entities :

      public class Entity1 implements Serializable {
          private Entity2 entity2;
          @JoinColumn(name = "entity2_id")
          public Entity2 getEntity2() {
              return entity2;

      I've got an edit page for the Entity1, with a field which references the entity2.name attribute. The user can select different values thanks to a rich:suggestionbox. What I can't achieve is to wire the Entity2 with the Entity1 based on the user's selection. From what I've seen, I'm not able to use the @DataModel annotation. Perhaps a valueChangeListener ?

      Any help would be really appreciated.

