1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 16, 2009 3:41 PM by jeanluc

    Seam managed hibernate session performance problem


      Hi everyone,

      I have a web application that uses spring for hibernate session management and declarative transaction demarcation, and JSF/SEAM/(Spring OSIV filter) on the view layer. I integrated seam and spring by using spring's EL Resolver and i am able to use spring beans in seam components. I really like the concept of Extended Persistence Context (dislike Lazy Init Exceptions, OSIV filter) so i took the integration one step further and configured my application in order to spring and seam share same persistence context and transactions. After completing integration i encountered performance problems.

      Let me give an example; I have a test function which does a lot of things, this function runs appr. in 20 seconds on my dev machine without seam spring persistence context and transaction sharing. After enabling spring persistence context and transaction sharing w/o changing anything else this function run time increases to 180-200 seconds. This is a really big difference and i read other performance problems with seam's session, tx features.

      What do u suggest, did you have any performance problems like this?

      best regards ..