1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 24, 2009 6:50 PM by tathagat

    hasPermission override Identity


      Hello all.
      I am trying to override Identity so I can write my own hasPermission method.

      My class

      public class MyIdentity extends Identity
           public boolean hasPermission(String name, String action, Object...arg)
                return !securityEnabled;

      On front end I am trying to use it like

      <s:link value="New Client" view="/members/newClient.xhtml" disabled="#{(not identity.loggedIn) or (not s:hasPermission('clientAction','createNewClient'))}" propagation="none"/>

      I also tried

      <s:link value="New Client" view="/members/newClient.xhtml" disabled="#{(not identity.loggedIn) or (not s:hasPermission('clientAction','createNewClient',null))}" propagation="none"/>

      In my components.xml

      <security:identity authenticate-method="#{authenticator.authenticate}"/>

      And in my authenticator I pass in an instance of MyIdentity

      @In     MyIdentity identity;

      The log statement never gets printed from MyIdentity - hasPermission method. What am I doing wrong here?

      Thanks a lot in advance for your help
