1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 18, 2009 10:32 PM by marcio.dantas

    Ending http session before request's lifecycle end


      Well, I know I should invalidate a http session calling seam's web session invalidate method.
      The thing is that it just invalidates the session at the end o fthe request lifecycle and I need to invalidate the session when the method is called.

      My scenario is: the user logs in the application through a GET request. I want to clean up the former session (if any) before adding stuff in the user's new http session.

      Is it possible to this with seam web session? Ideas?


        • 1. Re: Ending http session before request's lifecycle end

          Well, just to share here the 'solution' I used. I ended up using a page action as below:

          <page view-id="/login.xhtml">
             <action execute="#{org.jboss.seam.core.manager.killAllOtherConversations()}"/>
             <action execute="#{loginManager.autenticateUser}"/>

          This kills all conversations on the users session before the user's autenthication, which opens a new long running conversation.

          It doesn't really cleans the http session, but it's better than nothing and webSession.invalidate cannot be applied here.

          thats it