2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 9, 2009 10:30 PM by luxspes

    ReentrantLock: How to know which code succesfully locked something?


      The @Synchronized annotation makes really easy to serialize access to a particular component, and if the timeout configured for @Synchronized component ends, then it throws an exception like this one:

      could not acquire lock on @Synchronized component SomeComponent

      The stacktrace that comes with that exception makes it easy to know which code was trying to get a lock on the component SomeComponent and failed, but what I would like to know is the the caller (and all the stacktrace) that was the last one to succesfully lock the component SomeComponent.

      Any one knows how to do that?

        • 1. Re: ReentrantLock: How to know which code succesfully locked something?

          Solved it like this:

          public class ConfigurableSynchronizationInterceptor extends AbstractInterceptor
               org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConfigurableSynchronizationInterceptor.class);
               public ConfigurableSynchronizationInterceptor() {
               private String getStackTrace(Throwable t)
                  StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                  PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true);
                  return sw.toString();
               private static final long serialVersionUID = 6644552930765616337L;
               private ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(true);
               private String lockedStacktrace;
             public Object aroundInvoke(InvocationContext invocation) throws Exception
                  log.debug("Will try to get lock for: "+getComponent().getName());
                  SynchronizationConfiguration cfg=(SynchronizationConfiguration) Component.getInstance("synchronizationConfiguration");
                  if ( lock.tryLock( cfg.getSynchronizationTimeOut()/*getComponent().getTimeout()*/, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS ) )
                        lockedStacktrace = this.getStackTrace(new RuntimeException("Succesfully locked stacktrace"));
                        return invocation.proceed();
                        lockedStacktrace = null;
                     throw new LockTimeoutException("could not acquire lock on @Synchronized component: " + 
                         getComponent().getName()+" because someone else got it at: "+lockedStacktrace);
             public boolean isInterceptorEnabled()
                return getComponent().isSynchronize();

          Basically when I succesfully get the lock I store a string representation of the stacktrace, and, if a component fails to get the lock, I take that stored stacktrace representation and append it to the message of the LockTimeoutException.

          IMO (unless it is wrong), this should be part for Seam core behavior...

          • 2. Re: ReentrantLock: How to know which code succesfully locked something?

            And so I create JBSEAM-4472