3 Replies Latest reply on Nov 12, 2009 2:22 AM by brianc.brian.700c.net

    Modifying Multiple Selection Rows


      I have a scrollableDataTable that contains a List of NodeFile objects, which is a wrapper around a File entity. A button (rename), when clicked, calls processDetailSelection which processes the selection and creates a list of FileNodes to work with. A modelPanel is brought up with the list of fileNodes bound to the name property in an <h:inputText> boxe. The user is asked to rename the files. When done, they click on a button that calls renameSelected.

      The problem I am having is that the renamed names are not getting assigned the changed values on postback.

      Any ideas are appreciated!

                <rich:toolBar height="34" itemSeparator="line"> 
                          <a:commandLink id="rename"
                               reRender = "renamePanel">
                               <h:graphicImage id="renameIcon" value="/img/rename.gif" />
                               <h:outputLabel value="Rename" for="renameIcon" />
           <h:panelGrid columns="2" rowClasses="fmGrid">
                       value="#{detailFiles}" var="_file"
                      width="580px" height="400px"
                           <f:facet name="header">
                               <h:outputText value="Name" />
                           <ui:remove><!--  <h:graphicImage value="#{_file.type.icon}" /> --></ui:remove>
                           <h:outputText value="#{_file.name}" />
      ... more columns...
           <rich:modalPanel id="renamePanel"
                width="400" height="150"
               <f:facet name="header">
                     <h:outputText value="Rename?"></h:outputText>
                <f:facet name="controls">
                     <span style="cursor:pointer" onclick="javascript:Richfaces.hideModalPanel('renamePanel')">X</span>
                <h:outputText value="Rename files?" />
                     <rich:dataList value="#{fileManager.detailSelected}" var="_sel" rows="10">
                          <h:outputText value="#{_sel.name}"/>: <rich:spacer height="1" width="2" />
                          <h:inputText id="name" value="#{_sel.file.fileName}" /><br/>
                     <s:button value="Yes" reRender="tree, detailFiles" 
                      oncomplete="javascript:Richfaces.hideModalPanel('renamePanel');" />
                     <s:button value="Cancel" 
                      oncomplete="javascript:Richfaces.hideModalPanel('renamePanel');" />

      My backing Bean

      package com.projectSpace.action;
      //imports removed to save space
      public class FileManager implements Serializable {
           @In(create = true)
           ProjectHome projectHome;
           protected EntityManager entityManager;
           FacesMessages facesMessages;
           protected Integer projectId;
           private static final long serialVersionUID = 6484170532121358284L;
           // Tree Variables
           public FileNode selectedNode;
           private List<FileNode> fileRoots = new ArrayList<FileNode>();
           // Detail Variables
           protected List<FileNode> detailFiles;
           private SimpleSelection detailSelection;
           private ArrayList<FileNode> detailSelected = new ArrayList<FileNode>(0);
           private SortOrder detailSortOrder;
           @In(required = false) 
           @Out(required = false) 
           private HtmlScrollableDataTable fileTable;
           private String tableState;
           private boolean deleteFailed = false;
          public String renameSelected(){
               if (this.detailSelected.isEmpty()) {
                    return "noSelection";
               else {
                    try {
                         Iterator<FileNode> iterator = getDetailSelected().iterator();
                         while (iterator.hasNext()){
                              FileNode fileNode = iterator.next();
                              log.info("Renaming: fileNode.name= " + 
                                        fileNode.getName() + 
                                        ", fileNode.file.fileName = " + 
                        return "renamed";
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                         facesMessages.add("The selected files could not be renamed");
                         return null;
          public String processDetailSelection() {
               if (this.detailSelection.size() !=0) {
                  Iterator<Object> iterator = getDetailSelection().getKeys();
                  while (iterator.hasNext()){
                       Integer key = (Integer) iterator.next();
              return null;

      The FileNode

      public class FileNode implements Serializable {
           private static final long serialVersionUID = 7729590153661819332L;
           private File file;
           private static List<FileNode> CHILDREN_ABSENT = new ArrayList<FileNode>(0);
           private List<FileNode> childFolders;
           private List<FileNode> childFiles;
           private String name;
           private FileNode parent;
           public FileNode(File file) {
                this.file =  file;
           public FileNode(File file, FileNode parent) {
                this.file =  file;
           public String getName(){
                return this.name;
           public void setName(File file){
                if (file.getFileName().equals("ROOT"))
                     this.name = file.getProject().getProjectNumber() + " - " + file.getProject().getName();
                     this.name = file.getFileName();
           public void setName(String name){
                if (this.file.getFileName().equals("ROOT"))
                     return;  // we cannot rename the project. 
                               // TODO probably should throw an exception or warn user.
                else {
                     this.name = name;
           public File getFile() {
                return this.file;
           public void setFile(File file) {
                this.file = file;

      And Finally, the File Entity

      @Table(name = "files")
      public class File implements java.io.Serializable {
           private static final long serialVersionUID = -8800801738264510972L;
           private Long id;
           private Project project;
           private String fileName;
           private Date dateCreated;
           private Date dateModified;
           private Type type;
           private Boolean folder = false;
           private File parent;
           private Set<File> subFiles = new HashSet<File>();
           private Set<FileRevision> fileRevisions = new HashSet<FileRevision>();
           private EntityManager entityManager;
           public File() {

        • 1. Re: Modifying Multiple Selection Rows


          I think the <s:button> you have in the modal panel does not submit the form. So the model retains its old values when the action is called.

          Also place a breakpoint in the action method (#{fileManager.renameSelected}) and make sure it runs. If it doesnt, there could be conversion/validation errors (make sure Faces messages are displayed).

          • 2. Re: Modifying Multiple Selection Rows

            That was it, I needed to use <h:commandButton> instead. Thanks!

            • 3. Re: Modifying Multiple Selection Rows

              Brian Chapman wrote on Nov 10, 2009 09:13:

              I have a scrollableDataTable that contains a List of NodeFile objects, which is a wrapper around a File entity. A button (rename), when clicked, calls processDetailSelection which processes the selection and creates a list of FileNodes to work with. A modelPanel is brought up with the list of fileNodes bound to the name property in an <h:inputText> boxe. The user is asked to rename the files. When done, they click on a button that calls renameSelected.

              The problem I am having is that the renamed names are not getting assigned the changed values on postback.

              Any ideas are appreciated!

                        <rich:toolBar height="34" itemSeparator="line"> 
                                  <a:commandLink id="rename"
                                       reRender = "renamePanel">
                                       <h:graphicImage id="renameIcon" value="/img/rename.gif" />
                                       <h:outputLabel value="Rename" for="renameIcon" />
                   <h:panelGrid columns="2" rowClasses="fmGrid">
                               value="#{detailFiles}" var="_file"
                              width="580px" height="400px"
                                   <f:facet name="header">
                                       <h:outputText value="Name" />
                                   <ui:remove><!--  <h:graphicImage value="#{_file.type.icon}" /> --></ui:remove>
                                   <h:outputText value="#{_file.name}" />
              ... more columns...
                   <rich:modalPanel id="renamePanel"
                        width="400" height="150"
                       <f:facet name="header">
                             <h:outputText value="Rename?"></h:outputText>
                        <f:facet name="controls">
                             <span style="cursor:pointer" onclick="javascript:Richfaces.hideModalPanel('renamePanel')">X</span>
                        <h:outputText value="Rename files?" />
                             <rich:dataList value="#{fileManager.detailSelected}" var="_sel" rows="10">
                                  <h:outputText value="#{_sel.name}"/>: <rich:spacer height="1" width="2" />
                                  <h:inputText id="name" value="#{_sel.file.fileName}" /><br/>
                             <s:button value="Yes" reRender="tree, detailFiles" 
                              oncomplete="javascript:Richfaces.hideModalPanel('renamePanel');" />
                             <s:button value="Cancel" 
                              oncomplete="javascript:Richfaces.hideModalPanel('renamePanel');" />

              My backing Bean

              //imports removed to save space
              public class FileManager implements Serializable {
                   @In(create = true)
                   ProjectHome projectHome;
                   protected EntityManager entityManager;
                   FacesMessages facesMessages;
                   protected Integer projectId;
                   private static final long serialVersionUID = 6484170532121358284L;
                   // Tree Variables
                   public FileNode selectedNode;
                   private List<FileNode> fileRoots = new ArrayList<FileNode>();
                   // Detail Variables
                   protected List<FileNode> detailFiles;
                   private SimpleSelection detailSelection;
                   private ArrayList<FileNode> detailSelected = new ArrayList<FileNode>(0);
                   private SortOrder detailSortOrder;
                   @In(required = false) 
                   @Out(required = false) 
                   private HtmlScrollableDataTable fileTable;
                   private String tableState;
                   private boolean deleteFailed = false;
                  public String renameSelected(){
                       if (this.detailSelected.isEmpty()) {
                            return "noSelection";
                       else {
                            try {
                                 Iterator<FileNode> iterator = getDetailSelected().iterator();
                                 while (iterator.hasNext()){
                                      FileNode fileNode = iterator.next();
                                      log.info("Renaming: fileNode.name= " + 
                                                fileNode.getName() + 
                                                ", fileNode.file.fileName = " + 
                                return "renamed";
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                 facesMessages.add("The selected files could not be renamed");
                                 return null;
                  public String processDetailSelection() {
                       if (this.detailSelection.size() !=0) {
                          Iterator<Object> iterator = getDetailSelection().getKeys();
                          while (iterator.hasNext()){
                               Integer key = (Integer) iterator.next();
                      return null;

              The FileNode

              public class FileNode implements Serializable {
                   private static final long serialVersionUID = 7729590153661819332L;
                   private File file;
                   private static List<FileNode> CHILDREN_ABSENT = new ArrayList<FileNode>(0);
                   private List<FileNode> childFolders;
                   private List<FileNode> childFiles;
                   private String name;
                   private FileNode parent;
                   public FileNode(File file) {
                        this.file =  file;
                   public FileNode(File file, FileNode parent) {
                        this.file =  file;
                   public String getName(){
                        return this.name;
                   public void setName(File file){
                        if (file.getFileName().equals("ROOT"))
                             this.name = file.getProject().getProjectNumber() + " - " + file.getProject().getName();
                             this.name = file.getFileName();
                   public void setName(String name){
                        if (this.file.getFileName().equals("ROOT"))
                             return;  // we cannot rename the project. 
                                       // TODO probably should throw an exception or warn user.
                        else {
                             this.name = name;
                   public File getFile() {
                        return this.file;
                   public void setFile(File file) {
                        this.file = file;

              And Finally, the File Entity

              @Table(name = "files")
              public class File implements java.io.Serializable {
                   private static final long serialVersionUID = -8800801738264510972L;
                   private Long id;
                   private Project project;
                   private String fileName;
                   private Date dateCreated;
                   private Date dateModified;
                   private Type type;
                   private Boolean folder = false;
                   private File parent;
                   private Set<File> subFiles = new HashSet<File>();
                   private Set<FileRevision> fileRevisions = new HashSet<FileRevision>();
                   private EntityManager entityManager;
                   public File() {

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