1 2 Previous Next 15 Replies Latest reply on Feb 9, 2010 12:53 PM by paulmkeogh

    Seam Remoting - No Response


      I've been experiencing a phenomenon with Seam remoting (v2.1.1) where the response is sometimes not sent back to the client.  I've enabled debug and can see the request going out but then nothing.

      Here's what I know so far

      • Most of the time (maybe 9/10 times) it works just fine

      • It appears to only happen the second time an identical request is sent (but not always when an identical request is sent)

      • With debug turned on I can see the request being sent in the debug console

      • The backing bean is being called successfully

      • No response is received in the debug console

      Has anyone else encountered this or does anyone know of a way to at least time out the request if there is no response after xxx time has passed?

      Thanks for any help!

        • 1. Re: Seam Remoting - No Response

          I have never experiences this. Are you calling the component with newInstance or getInstance? The latter is synchronized and garanties singleton, and that is maybe what you need.

          Try putting breakpoint in the method and see line for line how it is performed and where it stops. Much easier to debug problems using breakpoints.

          • 2. Re: Seam Remoting - No Response

            Thanks Shervin.  The Java method is always returning correctly, so I went on to debug the JavaScript.

            Looking at seam/resource/remoting/resource/remote.js in FireBug (see snippet below) I can see the execution path entering Seam.Remoting.execute(), going into Seam.Remoting.sendAjaxRequest(), setting the timeout for asyncReq.onreadystatechange (lines 650 - 655), sending the request (line 662) and then only sometimes going to Seam.Remoting.requestCallback (line 671).

            I'm pretty sure this is a race condition between the Java method returning and something in the JavaScript (not sure if its the setTimeout(), the state change, or what on the JS side).  The java methods are returning quickly (less then 20 ms), but if I slow them down by a few hundred milliseconds (by calling Thread.sleep(xxx)) then the response is always processed normally and everything is fine.

            Any ideas?  I guess I have an ugly workaround with Thread.sleep(), but I don't really like that.

            611 Seam.Remoting.execute = function(component, methodName, params, callback, exceptionHandler)
            612 {
            613  var call = Seam.Remoting.createCall(component, methodName, params, callback, exceptionHandler);
            615  if (Seam.Remoting.inBatch)
            616  {
            617  Seam.Remoting.batchedCalls[Seam.Remoting.batchedCalls.length] = call;
            618  }
            619  else
            620  {
            621  // Marshal the request
            622  var envelope = Seam.Remoting.createEnvelope(Seam.Remoting.createHeader(), call.data);
            623  Seam.Remoting.pendingCalls.put(call.id, call);
            624  call.asyncReq = Seam.Remoting.sendAjaxRequest(envelope, Seam.Remoting.PATH_EXECUTE, Seam.Remoting.processResponse, false);
            625  }
            627  return call;
            628 }
            630 Seam.Remoting.sendAjaxRequest = function(envelope, path, callback, silent)
            631 {
            632  Seam.Remoting.log("Request packet:\n" + envelope);
            634  if (!silent)
            635  Seam.Remoting.displayLoadingMessage();
            637  var asyncReq;
            639  if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
            640  {
            641  asyncReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
            642  if (asyncReq.overrideMimeType)
            643  asyncReq.overrideMimeType('text/xml');
            644  }
            645  else
            646  asyncReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
            648  var rcb = Seam.Remoting.requestCallback;
            650  window.setTimeout(function() {
            651  asyncReq.onreadystatechange = function() {
            652  if (rcb) rcb(asyncReq, callback);
            653  }
            654  }, 0);
            656  if (Seam.Remoting.encodedSessionId)
            657  {
            658  path += ';jsessionid=' + Seam.Remoting.encodedSessionId;
            659  }
            661  asyncReq.open("POST", Seam.Remoting.resourcePath + path, true);
            662  asyncReq.send(envelope);
            663  return asyncReq;
            664 } 
            666 Seam.Remoting.setCallback = function(component, methodName, callback)
            667 {
            668  component.__callback[methodName] = callback;
            669 }
            671 Seam.Remoting.requestCallback = function(req, callback)
            672 {
            673  if (req.readyState == 4)
            674  {
            675  var inScope = typeof(Seam) == "undefined" ? false : true;
            677  if (inScope) Seam.Remoting.hideLoadingMessage();
            679  window.setTimeout(function() {
            680  req.onreadystatechange = function() {};
            681  }, 0);
            683  if (req.status == 200)
            684  { 
            685  if (inScope) Seam.Remoting.log("Response packet:\n" + req.responseText);
            687  if (callback)
            688  {
            689  // The following code deals with a Firefox security issue. It reparses the XML
            690  // response if accessing the documentElement throws an exception
            691  try
            692  {
            693  req.responseXML.documentElement;
            694  callback(req.responseXML);
            695  }
            696  catch (ex)
            697  {
            698  try
            699  {
            700  // Try it the IE way first...
            701  var doc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
            702  doc.async = "false";
            703  doc.loadXML(req.responseText);
            704  callback(doc);
            705  }
            706  catch (e)
            707  {
            708  // If that fails, use standards
            709  var parser = new DOMParser();
            710  callback(parser.parseFromString(req.responseText, "text/xml"));
            711  }
            712  }
            713  }
            714  }
            715  else
            716  alert("There was an error processing your request. Error code: " + req.status);
            717  }
            718 } 

            Thanks again for any help!

            • 3. Re: Seam Remoting - No Response

              Sorry, forgot to mention that I'm seeing the same thing with Seam.Component.newInstance and Seam.Component.getInstance.

              • 4. Re: Seam Remoting - No Response

                Are you using callback? I guess you are since you are testing that nothing is sent back to the client. I obviously also don't like the thread sleep stack.

                It may very well be that there is a bug with the remoting in seam, I am no expert on it, however Shane might be the one to know what might be going wrong here.

                • 5. Re: Seam Remoting - No Response

                  Yes, I'm using a callback function, but its failing before the callback function is called.

                  • 6. Re: Seam Remoting - No Response

                    Is there any fix for this? Iam having the exact same issue?Any help would be much appreciated.

                    • 7. Re: Seam Remoting - No Response

                      found out the exact reason
                      Lines 650 to 654 on remote.js is the reason

                      window.setTimeout(function() {
                      651  asyncReq.onreadystatechange = function() {
                      652  if (rcb) rcb(asyncReq, callback);
                      653  }
                      654  }, 0)
                      656  if (Seam.Remoting.encodedSessionId)
                      657  {
                      658  path += ';jsessionid=' + Seam.Remoting.encodedSessionId;
                      659  }
                      661  asyncReq.open("POST", Seam.Remoting.resourcePath + path, true);
                      662  asyncReq.send(envelope);
                      663  return asyncReq;

                      At times the execution happens even before the asyncReq.onreadystatechange is set.
                      Therafore the actual server response is not handled at all.Code should be

                      651  asyncReq.onreadystatechange = function() {
                      652  if (rcb) rcb(asyncReq, callback);
                      653  };

                      without any window.setTimeout , thus forcing the onreadystatechange to have a value.
                      New version of seam looks like having the issue fixed.

                      • 8. Re: Seam Remoting - No Response

                        Should be easy enough to make the patch your self.
                        Just change it and run ant target and create new jars.

                        • 9. Re: Seam Remoting - No Response

                          You should also create a jira and upload a patch for it. I know you say it is fixed in trunk, but the fix should also be propagated to correct Seam 2 branch.
                          Also it is better to have this fix in jira then this forum.

                          • 10. Re: Seam Remoting - No Response

                            This was already fixed in the Seam22 branch.

                            • 11. Re: Seam Remoting - No Response

                              Argh formatting got me.. I mean Seam_2_2.

                              • 12. Re: Seam Remoting - No Response

                                Thanks for letting us know, Shane.  Do you happen to know if it was fixed with 2.1.2?  I'm currently running 2.1.1.

                                • 14. Re: Seam Remoting - No Response

                                  I copied the changes from 2.1.2 into the jar for 2.1.1 locally and it works perfectly now.

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