5 Replies Latest reply on Nov 29, 2009 7:30 PM by schnulla

    rowCount and EntityManager



      I want to see how many users are registered:

      <h:outputText styleClass="outputText" value="#{userList.rowCount} Users"/>

      public class RegistrationStats implements RegistrationStatsInterface {
           private EntityManager entityManager;
           private List<User> userList;
           public void populateUserList() {
                userList = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM User").getResultList();

      public interface RegistrationStatsInterface {     
           public void populateUserList();

      But I always get 1 user registered.

      Please can you help me?

        • 1. Re: rowCount and EntityManager

          In your query, you are asking for a count of the number of users. As such, you will always get one row back from the select.

          Perhaps you meant to use SELECT user from User user?

          • 2. Re: rowCount and EntityManager

            You are right it must be SELECT user from User. Thank you!

            I wonder how I could use COUNT() and outject that value
            to my h:outputText? And how-to update this value because
            at the moment DataModel is only populated on the first
            page visit.

            Thanks for any hints :)

            • 3. Re: rowCount and EntityManager

              You are right it must be SELECT user from User. Thank you!

              uups I meant SELECT name from User

              • 4. Re: rowCount and EntityManager

                well if you want to outject the count, you could do something like this:

                private BigDecimal userListSize;

                public void populateUserListSize() {
                userListSize = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM User").getSingleResult();

                or you could use the existing userList

                private BigDecimal userListSize;

                public void populateUserListSize() {
                userListSize = userList.size();

                • 5. Re: rowCount and EntityManager

                  Thanks the first works fine and this way I get
                  rid of the @DataModel and .rowCount stuff :)

                  I guess COUNT() is also more performant than
                  SELECT user FROM User?

                  The only thing I have to solve now is to
                  update userListSize on every page visit.
                  What is the standard practice to do this?

                  Thanks for the help :)