0 Replies Latest reply on Jan 6, 2010 3:06 PM by chris.simons

    Trouble propagating data from conversation to Seam PDF

      I am struggling with Seam PDF; I've attempted a number of different ways to grab conversational data within the PDF/XHTML and display it in the resulting PDF.  The PDF opens fine, and the static data is presented, but the conversational data is always null.

      I've tried h:commandLink, s:link, and a4j:commandLinks.  I know that the conversational data is there so why isn't it being pulled back?

      Does anyone have some suggestions on how to go about this?  I would appreciate it.

      Here is the current incarnation, an s:link that opens the PDF view page and calls an action that outjects the conversational data.

       <s:link view="/om/redbook/redbook-pdf.xhtml" action="#{redbookManager.doSearch}" target="new" propagation="nest">
           <h:outputText value="Generate PDF"/>

      An example of how the data is being pulled back in the PDF:

       <paragraph alignment="left">
              <font size="12">
                  <text value="#{cvSelectedOrganization.physicalAddress.fullAddress}"/>

      The cvSelectedOrganization object (I've tried different scopes, right now it's set to SESSION):

      @In(required = false, scope = ScopeType.SESSION)
          @Out(required = false, scope = ScopeType.SESSION)
          private Organization cvSelectedOrganization;