5 Replies Latest reply on Jan 22, 2010 8:40 AM by kragoth

    how to make approval admin in registration


      Hi, guys!
      I have made application with Seam. In the user management, I made registration who approved by admin. Are there in example seam? If in the example can application with approval by admin, please tell me.. I need u'r reply.

        • 1. Re: how to make approval admin in registration

          I'm not quite sure I understand the question.

          Do you mean...

          When a user comes to your site they fill in a registration form and submit it. But, before they can log into the system an admin must approve their registration?

          If so just have a flag on your user approved which is set to false when they register. Have another flag called reviewed which is set to false as well.

          Then write a screen that the admins can go to that will query out all users that have approved = false and reviewed = false. If the admin wants to approve the user they can update the approved flag to true, otherwise leave the approved flag as false. They should also change the reviewed flag to true on all user registrations they have reviewed.

          So, the only other thing you have to do is structure your app so that you can apply security to all parts of you system except the user registration page. That's pretty easy to do.

          Then write your authenticator that checks that the user's approved flag is set to true before allowing them to log on.

          Not sure if this helps as I wasn't quite sure what you were asking.

          • 2. Re: how to make approval admin in registration

            Thanks for u'r reply. That's right what you mean. In seam,make approved user by admin with j BPM way,ìsn't true?coz I read manning seam book on chapter 14,there is away about business process and 1 of them about approved user by admin.
            I want ask the app in example seam which same use approved by admin.
            I'm sorry,my english isn't well 

            • 3. Re: how to make approval admin in registration

              I don't use jBPM in our app so I can't really give you any help in that area.

              That being said just because there is an example of doing something by jBPM doesn't mean that it is the best way or the only way to do something. Adding jBPM into your application should be done if and only if there is a considerable gain from doing so. Adding more libraries into your app can sometimes over complicate the issue.

              If you are just getting started in the Seam world then maybe you don't need jBPM.

              However, if you have identified the need for that technology in your app then of course by all means use it to handle these things. I just can't answer any questions in that area sorry. :)

              • 4. Re: how to make approval admin in registration

                Thanks tim for u'r reply.
                I'm just starting in seam world. I usually made my app with php.
                After I tried to use jbpm,it's so complicated for me.
                The problem in my app are there 2 kind of level user beside admin. The kind of level users are alumni and stakeholder. Each alumni can makes CRUD process and looks data what alumni input byself and another alumni after regìster,login and input data can't look data in entity.list. Each alumni can looks data owner by self. It's same process with stakeholder user. Between alumni and stakeholder have menu for by self.
                I still make with standard app seam from seam ebook.
                Can't u give me the solution?

                • 5. Re: how to make approval admin in registration

                  Hey Neni,

                  I can't provide a solution for you but I can try to help as much as I can. Obviously I have my own job to do so I can't always be here to help.

                  It sounds like you just need to store which user created each record you have . Then when you query your data out  to display it you just make sure your where clause only queries out the data created by the user that is logged in. This will stop users from seeing data created by another person.

                  I don't understand what you mean by Between alumni and stakeholder have menu for by self. Can you try giving examples so I can understand.

                  I know English is not your first language so I know it can be hard to explain what you are trying to say. :)

                  But, honestly. Do yourself a favour and start off by just writing something small and simple. Going from php to Java with Seam is not a small step. It's a whole new world and will take some time to learn. So spend some time reading and understanding the Seam examples first. Then start working on building your app.

                  If you don't take the time to understand now you will end up with an application that will suffer from many problems because you don't understand the underlying infrastructure.