1 Reply Latest reply on Feb 8, 2010 11:58 AM by idyoshin

    entity update query triggered by it self with JPDL pageflow



      I'm facing with jpdl pageflow. Here's the thing:

      I have list with edit button, when edit button is pressed the conversation pageflow will start. In the next page where I can edit inputtext fields I have cancel and next button. When I press next button I want to go to next pege with summary of edited entries and update button.

      And here accours the problem. When I press next button the entity will be updated by calling hibernate update query.

      Why whis happening since in JPDL I have no action defined for next button? What triggers that update query and why?

      My jpdl

               "http://jboss.com/products/seam/pageflow http://jboss.com/products/seam/pageflow-2.2.xsd"
         <start-page name="list-event" view-id="/listEvents.xhtml">
            <transition name="edit" to="edit-event">
               <action expression="#{eventList.editEvent}"/>
         <page view-id="/editEvent.xhtml" name="edit-event">     
            <transition name="next" to="event-sum">
            <transition name="cancel" to="event-canceled">
                 <action expression="#{eventList.cancelEditEvent}"/>
         <page view-id="/editEventSum.xhtml" name="event-sum">
                <transition name="update" to="event-added">
               <action expression="#{eventList.saveEvent}"/>
            <transition name="cancel" to="event-canceled">
                 <action expression="#{eventList.cancelEditEvent}"/>
         <page name="event-added" view-id="/eventAdded.xhtml">
         <page name="event-canceled" view-id="/listEvents.xhtml">

      and my buttons on editEvent.xhtml page

      <h:commandButton type="submit" value="NEXT"  action="next"  />
      <h:commandButton  type="submit" value="CANCEL" action="cancel"  immediate="true"/>

      and my buttons on summary page editEventSum.xhtml

      <h:commandButton type="submit" value="UPDATE" action="update" />
      <h:commandButton type="submit" value="CANCEL" action="cancel" immediate="true" />      

      What should I do to update the entity on summary page and not on edit page