2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 11, 2010 8:38 PM by nair2010

    Class Loader Issues - Newbie


      I have been trying to use Tomhawk or PrimeFaces Schedule as RichFaces has no equivalent component.

      I am getting a classloader issue with both of them.  I tried putting them in the ear/lib folder and setting MANIFEST.MF with the class path in war inside the Ear.

      But then Both these thirdparty controls dont load. I need them in web-intf/lib in-order to display components.

      I saw many blogs which ended with it is a classloader issue. Since I am fairly new to SEAM, have no idea how to resolved this classloader issue.

      Can anyone help?

        • 1. Re: Class Loader Issues - Newbie

          Please post the specific error you're experiencing (an exception log or whatever)...

          • 2. Re: Class Loader Issues - Newbie

            Click HELP for text formatting instructions. Then edit this text and check the preview.

            Basically, I am trying to use Tomahawk And OR primeFaces Schedule component. So, in My EAR deployment, I am putting these libraries (Tomahawk.1.1.9.jar or Primefaces Jar) in WEB-INF folder of WAR file and  also in /lib folder of ear.

            Regardless of what I do, both these components dont get displayed if I dont have their libraries in both locations I mentioned above.

            I tried Manifest file, Packaging with application.xml and all the regular suggestions.

            I understand that there is simple class loader issue since I have the same JARS at both places. How to Make the WEB-INF folder of WAR inside EAR to be the primary location for the classloader?

            Example error i am getting is very simple. schedule cant be casted to schedule 

            http://old.nabble.com/Seam-and-Tomahawk-Scheduler-td9855768.html  has a post in a similar way, at the end they conclude saying its a classloader problem.

            If you can explain how to solve a classloader problem in Seam when a thirdparty library is needed by both war and EAR, that would be really helpful.