2 Replies Latest reply on Mar 12, 2010 4:28 PM by jguglielmin

    excelExporter not working

      All attempts to use excelExporter result in being redirected to the error page.

      We are using icefaces and encountered numerous difficulties getting pdf and excel generation to work. We finally had success when we explicitly configured DocumentStoreServlet and mapped *.pdf and *.xls to it and also mapped *.jsf to FacesServlet. The only way we can successfully generate pdf and xls files is to use .jsf instead of .seam but we are able to access seam session beans.

      When trying to use excelExporter I find that when I get redirected to |filename.xls?docId=1&cid=1| the DocumentStoreServlet is not able to access the DocumentStore object from the conversation. Instead it gets a brand new instance that is empty and thus redirects me to the error page.

      I am concluding that conversation scoped objects cannot be shared between seam and the DocumentStoreServlet but that they can between FacesServlet and DocumentStoreServlet.

      Q1: Has anyone successfully used excelExporter in an icefaces environment?

      Q2: Is there any way to get DocumentStoreServlet to see the conversation objects created in the seam context?
        • 1. Re: excelExporter not working

          Is the example working for you (non-icefaces)?

          • 2. Re: excelExporter not working

            There is an example for seam-pdf and icefaces using jsf-delegation (not sure if you had tried it--should also work for the export to excel module for seam).  Also, there is an


            component for the export of data tables to csv or excel....just wondering if you had tried it.
            Otherwise, you could always open a jira with a basic sample for request concerning a specific issue