1 Reply Latest reply on Mar 17, 2010 12:03 PM by abeinoe

    cannot resolve org.jboss.seam


      hi... i'm new in seam framework. i did the instruction to install jboss tools and created a seam web project. but after that, i got warning that org.jboss.seam. cannot be resolved, cannot find fully qualified class com.sun.facelets.FaceletViewHandler, and ohter warning. what's the problem?
      i used eclipse ganymede, jboss 5.1.0 GA and jboss-seam 2.2.0 GA.

        • 1. Re: cannot resolve org.jboss.seam

          sorry, after i restart my IDE (eclipse) i only got warning EL syntax error: expecting '}' in line

          Conversation: id = #{conversation.id}, #{conversation.longRunning ? 'long running' : 'temporary'}#{conversation.nested ? ', nested, parent id = '.concat(conversation.parentId) : ''}

          on template.xhtml .can this warning cause a problem?