3 Replies Latest reply on Apr 15, 2010 12:33 PM by niox.nikospara.yahoo.com

    Property 'update' not found on type home component?


      I have an code generated by seam-gen.

      Inside Edit.xhtml

      <h:commandButton id="update" styleClass="tbtn" value="Save"
                                                              rendered="#{collatRptCatgryMapHome.managed and s:hasPermission('FUNCTION', 'CRUD_COLAT_RPT_CATGRY_MAP')}"/>

      If I comment this code out, then I receive the following exception in Edit.xhtml page-

      Property 'update' not found on type com.fhlbny.crs.net.session.CollatRptCatgryMapHome_$$_javassist_1

      My question is- I nowhere have defined this 'update' property. Can anyone suggest me how should i remove this home component 'update' property and where is it defined ?
      Is it a default properties for Seam home components ?