0 Replies Latest reply on Apr 23, 2010 9:33 PM by gwarden

    Table and column name mangling


      I am having a problem where it would appear seam is mangling some table and column names leading to sql exceptions.  I have 2 objects, we'll call them caseFile and form1.  They have a 1 to 1 relationship, I know in a relational database this is unusual, but I need to keep my options open in case I need to go to a 1 to Many.  They are related based on a caseFileId.  The CaseFile is attached to a CASE_FILE table with the id column named CASE_FILE_ID, the form1 object is connected to FORM_PART_1 with the related id being CASE_FILE_ID.  The problem is, when I got to display the caseFile, and it attempts to load the form data for it, I get this exception:

      ORA-00904: "FORMPART3X2_"."CASEFILEID": invalid identifier

      I've looked through all my code, and there are no references to those column and table names.  What am I doing wrong?  The code for the classes and their relations is below:
      public class CaseFile extends AbstractAuditable implements Serializable {
              name="CASE_FILE_ID", nullable=false)
              public FormPart3 getFormPart3() {
                      return formPart3;

      @Table(name = "FORM_PART_3")
      public class FormPart3 {
              name="CASE_FILE_ID", nullable=false)
          public CaseFile getCaseFile() {
              return caseFile;