2 Replies Latest reply on May 22, 2010 11:01 PM by kem

    Outjected Component Null



      I am testing Bijection with the following code. The Injection is OK, but @Out always outject null.

      Any idea what is wrong in this code. Many Thanks

      public class Person {
              private String firstName;
              private String lastName;
              public String getFirstName() {
                      return firstName;
              public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
                      this.firstName = firstName;
              public String getLastName() {
                      return lastName;
              public void setLastName(String lastName) {
                      this.lastName = lastName;

      the following class rename the firstName and Outject Person.
      @In pesron is OK. But @Out person is always null.

      public class PersonRename implements Rename {
              @In @Out
              Person person;
              public String rename() {
                      String fn = person.getFirstName();
                      person.setFirstName("renamed-" + fn);
                      return "/confirm.xhtml";
              public Person getPerson() {
                      return person;
              public void setPerson(Person person) {
                      this.person = person;
              public void destroy(){};

      @Out person is injected in manager. But injected person is always Null.

      @AutoCreate... for person is not useful, as the firstName and lastName are set from the view.

      public class PersonManager implements Manager {
              @In StatusMessages statusMessages;
              Person person;
              public void confirm() {
                      statusMessages.add("Confirm New firstName: " + person.getFirstName());
              public Person getPerson() {
                      return person;
              public void setPerson(Person person) {
                      this.person = person;
              public void destroy(){};

        • 1. Re: Outjected Component Null

          Can you please try something like this - by giving the parameter names
          '@In(required = true/false)
          @Out(required = true/false, scope = ScopeType.SESSION)
          private User user;'

          • 2. Re: Outjected Component Null

            Thanks Shravan,
            I think your suggestion is in the right direction.

            I actually found the explanation of the problem in one of Seam books I have. I have read in the past that the default scope in Seam is conversation. So I didn't specified scope  for the components.
            However, I just found that the default conversation scope is just a temporary conversation that ends once the first response is rendered. Therefor, all outject object once the conversation ends, are null. I have to specify the Conversation scope.