8 Replies Latest reply on Jun 4, 2010 6:05 AM by sashkanem

    Seam Managed EntityManager is null In Servlet


      I have Servlet that fetches some entries from database and marshals them in ZipOutputStream, I use

      new ContextualHttpServletRequest(request) {
                          public void process() throws Exception {
                              doWork(request, response);

      pattern to get seam contexts, then I get my seam component and call method

      ViewPaymentsManager manager = (ViewPaymentsManager)Contexts.lookupInStatefulContexts("viewPaymentsManager");
      List<Payment> payments = manager.getExportPayments();

      seam managed entity manager is null inside initExportPayments method. I am sure I have everything right with the entity manager configuration as I use it in all my application, the only problem I have is when I invoke this method from servlet I get nullpointer on entityManager.

      I have also tried to wrap servlet call in UserTransaction but with no result.
      I can't understand is it possible that only partial seam context is availible in servlet and why?
