1 Reply Latest reply on May 25, 2010 10:10 PM by raphaufrj

    How Can I turn off GeneratedValue programmatically?


      Hi Seam experts,

      My application uses Seam and JPA with hibernate provider. I have the situation: I need persist my entitie jpa for two ways.

      1. The first one, uses sequence strategy, like this:

      @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "SEQ_OS_MATERIAL")

      2. The seconde one, don't need strategy for id, because that id was filled in the past. So, i would have that remove GeneratedValue annotation.

      So, my question is: Is there any way to turn off this annotation? How?

      Best Regards,

        • 1. Re: How Can I turn off GeneratedValue programmatically?

          I solved my problem extending Sequence Gerenator from Hibernate. The workaround works this way.

          1. In my entity
                  @GenericGenerator(name="SEQ_PESQUISA",                  strategy="br.com.activia.commons.persistence.id.CustomSequenceGenerator",parameters = {@Parameter(name="sequence", value="seq_act_pesquisa")})
          2. custom class generator 
          public class CustomSequenceGenerator extends SequenceGenerator {
               public Serializable generate(SessionImplementor session, Object obj) 
               throws HibernateException {
                    BaseBean<?> myEntity = (BaseBean<?>)obj;
                   //se o id ja foi setado nao precisa gerar da sequence
                    if (myEntity.getId()!=null && myEntity.getId() > 0) {
                     return myEntity.getId();
                   else {
                     return super.generate(session, obj);
          3. my test case
                         Pesquisa p = new Pesquisa();
          //               p.setPesquisaId(170200778L);
                         if (p.getId() != null)