2 Replies Latest reply on Jun 7, 2010 12:43 PM by waltc

    Factory with SelectOneMenu


      There is a lot of confusion on this over the web and even on here.
      I have successfully used @Factory in previous Seam Apps.

      According to Dan, one really really really wants to use @Factory. In this particular case I am trying to populate a SelectOneMenu on a page.

      Here is the xhtml:

          <h:form id="QueryPerformanceSheetForm">
                  <f:facet name="header">queryPerformanceSheet</f:facet>
                              <s:decorate id="monthChoice" template="layout/display.xhtml">
                                      <ui:define name="label">Month</ui:define>
                                      <h:selectOneMenu id="monthList"  value="#month}">
                                              <f:selectItems value="#monthList}"></f:selectItems>
                  <div style="clear:both"/>
              <div class="actionButtons">
                  <h:commandButton id="queryPerformance" value="Display"

      The issue is I keep getting either ...expected selectItems/selectItem child of.... or propertyNotFoundException on monthList.

      In the example in Dan's book as the output value (selected value) is defined as @DataModelSelector followed by @Out for the selectedGolfer...er...month and the List of SelectedItem is defined under @DataModel and the actual list attribute is defined under the @Factory why is Seam still looking for a property called monthList?

      My latest error is:
      Expected a child component type of UISelectItem/UISelectItems for component type javax.faces.SelectOne(monthList).  Found org.jboss.seam.jsf.ListDataModel.

      My Code is:

      public class QueryPerformanceSheetBean implements QueryPerformanceSheet {
              private static String monthQuery = "select distinct month(date) from Httpquery q";
              private Log log;
              StatusMessages statusMessages;
              protected EntityManager entityManager;
              private String value;
              public String month = "";
              @DataModel(scope = ScopeType.PAGE)
              public List<SelectItem>monthList;
              public void queryPerformance() {
                      monthList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
                      // implement your business logic here
                                      .info("QueryPerformanceSheet.queryPerformance() action called with: #{QueryPerformanceSheet.value}");
                      statusMessages.add("queryPerformance #{QueryPerformanceSheet.value}");
              // add additional action methods
              public void setMonth(String month) {
                      this.month = month;
              @Length(max = 10)
              public String getValue() {
                      return value;
              public void setValue(String value) {
                      this.value = value;
              public void destroy() {
              public void initForm() {
                      if (monthList == null) {
                              monthList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
                      ArrayList<Integer> tmp = 
                      for (Integer month:tmp) {
                              System.out.println("Month = " + month);
                              SelectItem si = new SelectItem(month.toString(), month.toString());

      My question is two-fold:

      What's wrong with this code?

      What is the intelligent way to produce this as a component

        • 1. Re: Factory with SelectOneMenu

          Hi Walt!!, I see your code and I've found some syntax errors:

          <f:selectItems value="#monthList}"></f:selectItems>

          will be

          <f:selectItems value="#{monthList}"></f:selectItems>

          You have this problem in #month}, too

          The month variable need JavaBeans getter and setter public method for use with EL expression in h:selectOneMenu value.

          I hope that I can help you. Best regards!!

          • 2. Re: Factory with SelectOneMenu
            Thank you for your input Pablo!

            Here is the current section for the selectOneMenu items

            `<h:form id="QueryPerformanceSheetForm">

                 <f:facet name="header">queryPerformanceSheet</f:facet>

                 <s:decorate id="monthChoice" template="layout/display.xhtml">
                      <ui:define name="label">Month</ui:define>
                 <h:selectOneMenu id="monthList" value="#{queryPerformanceSheet.month}">
                 <f:selectItems value="#{QueryPerformanceSheet.monthList}"></f:selectItems>

                 <s:decorate id="countryChoice" template="layout/display.xhtml">
                 <ui:define name="label">Country</ui:define>
                 <h:selectOneMenu id="countryList" value="#{queryPerformanceSheet.country}">
                 <f:selectItems value="#{QueryPerformanceSheet.countryList}"></f:selectItems>

                 <s:decorate id="engineChoice" template="layout/display.xhtml">
                 <ui:define name="label">Engine</ui:define>
                 <h:selectOneMenu id="engineList" value="#{queryPerformanceSheet.engine}">
                 <f:selectItems value="#{QueryPerformanceSheet.engineList}"></f:selectItems>
                 <div style="clear: both" />

            I tried using @RequestParameters but ran into a problem there and created a queryPerformance.page.xml as follows:
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <page xmlns="http://jboss.com/products/seam/pages"
                  xsi:schemaLocation="http://jboss.com/products/seam/pages http://jboss.com/products/seam/pages-2.2.xsd">
                 <param name="engine" value="#{QueryPerformanceSheet.engine}"/>
                 <param name="country" value="#{QueryPerformanceSheet.country}"/>
                 <param name="month" value="#{QueryPerformanceSheet.month}"/>
                <action execute="#{QueryPerformanceSheet.onDisplay}"/> 

            In the component I have accessors around all three and a factory method for the two lists. I could not get factory methods to for the selectItems and figured it was due to it not being a UIData or such.

            Oddly, and I say oddly because I don't know why, but now I see the parameters coming in at action method invocation. My problem now is the controls are not getting synchronized with how they were left. One thing I did was notice that the invocations of the getters were not at all happy when the values came back null. I consequently placed conditional test for setting the value if it were null at invocation.

            Here is the current bean.

            import java.util.ArrayList;
            import java.util.Calendar;
            import java.util.List;
            import java.util.TreeMap;

            import javax.faces.model.SelectItem;
            import javax.persistence.EntityManager;

            import org.jboss.seam.ScopeType;
            import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Factory;
            import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name;
            import org.jboss.seam.annotations.In;
            import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Logger;
            import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Scope;
            import org.jboss.seam.annotations.datamodel.DataModel;
            import org.jboss.seam.log.Log;
            import org.jboss.seam.international.StatusMessages;

            public class QueryPerformanceSheetBean implements QueryPerformanceSheet {
                 private static final String monthQuery = "select distinct month(date) from Httpquery q";
                 private static final String countryQuery = "select c.country from Country c order by c.id";
                 private static final String fullCorpusQuery = "";
                 private static final String ltQuery = "";
                 private static final String fullCorpusQueryClassic = "";
                 private static final String ltQueryClassic = "";
                 private static final String fullCorpusQueryPower = "";
                 private static final String ltQueryPower = "";
                 private String fullQuery;
                 private String subQuery;
                 private Log log;

                 StatusMessages statusMessages;
                 protected EntityManager entityManager;
                 private String engine;
                 private String month;

                 private String country;
                 public List<SelectItem> monthList;

                 public List<SelectItem> countryList;
                 public List<SelectItem> engineList;
                 private List<Object[]> fullCorpusList;
                 private List<Object[]> ltSixList;
                 private List<Object[]> ltEightList;
                 private List<Object[]> ltTenList;
                 @DataModel(scope = ScopeType.PAGE, value="bedfordList")
                 private List<PercentageDay>bedfordList;
                 private TreeMap<String, PercentageDay> daysBedfordTree;
                 @DataModel(scope = ScopeType.PAGE, value="maynardList")
                 private List<PercentageDay>maynardList;
                 private TreeMap<String, PercentageDay> daysMaynardTree;

                 public void queryPerformanceSheetBean() {
                      if (daysBedfordTree == null) {
                           daysBedfordTree = new TreeMap<String, PercentageDay>();
                      if (daysMaynardTree == null) {
                           daysMaynardTree = new TreeMap<String, PercentageDay>();


                 public void onDisplay() {
                  * @return the days for Bedford
                 public void getDaysBedford() {
                      bedfordList = new ArrayList<PercentageDay>();
                      if (daysBedfordTree == null) {
                           daysBedfordTree = new TreeMap<String, PercentageDay>();
                      for (String day : daysBedfordTree.keySet()) {
                           PercentageDay aDay = daysBedfordTree.get(day);

                  * @return the days for Maynard
                 public void getDaysMaynard() {
                      maynardList = new ArrayList<PercentageDay>();
                      if (daysMaynardTree == null) {
                           daysMaynardTree = new TreeMap<String, PercentageDay>();               
                      for (String day : daysMaynardTree.keySet()) {
                           PercentageDay aDay = daysMaynardTree.get(day);

                  * return proper color
                 public String getColor(Integer cell) {
                      String color = "pink";
                      int tmp = cell.intValue();
                      if (tmp > 77) {
                           color = "lightgreen";
                      } else {
                           if (tmp > 57) {
                                color = "lightyellow";
                      return color;

                 public void createTables(int site, int sequence, List<Object[]> list,
                           TreeMap<String, PercentageDay> tree) {
                       * we are going to call this method multiple times varying the list
                       * (output list from full, six, eight, or 10 sec result sets from db and
                       * setting whether we want set the total, six, eight, or 10 sec bucket
                       * in the hourly
                       * we determine count and hour from the list.
                       * the tree we pass in will be, for instance, the bedford or maynard
                       * tree.
                      for (Object object[] : list) {
                           Integer location = (Integer) object[0];
                           if (location.intValue() != site) {
                           String year = ((Integer) object[1]).toString();
                           String month = ((Integer) object[2]).toString();
                           String day = ((Integer) object[3]).toString();
                           if (month.length() == 1)
                                month = "0" + month;
                           if (day.length() == 1)
                                day = "0" + day;
                           String date = year + "-" + month + "-" + day;
                           Integer ihour = (Integer) object[4];
                           Long count = (Long) object[5];
                           PercentageDay aDay = tree.get(date);
                           if (aDay == null) {
                                aDay = new PercentageDay();
                                tree.put(date, aDay);
                           HourlyPerfData hour = aDay.getHour(ihour);
                           switch (sequence) {
                           case 0: // totals
                           case 1: // 6 seconds
                           case 2: // 8 seconds
                           case 3: // 10 seconds;


                 // add additional action methods

                 public List<SelectItem> getMonthList() {
                      if (monthList == null) {
                           monthList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
                      return monthList;

                 public List<SelectItem> getCountryList() {
                      if (countryList == null) {
                           countryList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
                      return countryList;

                 public List<SelectItem> getEngineList() {
                      if (engineList == null) {
                           engineList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
                      return engineList;
                 public void initMonths() {
                      if (monthList == null) {
                           monthList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
                      ArrayList<Integer> tmp = (ArrayList) entityManager.createQuery(
                      for (Integer month : tmp) {
                           System.out.println("Month = " + month);
                           SelectItem si = new SelectItem(month.toString(), month.toString());


                 public void initEngines() {
                      if (engineList == null) {
                           engineList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
                      engineList.add(new SelectItem("Both", "Both"));
                      engineList.add(new SelectItem("Classic", "Classic"));
                      engineList.add(new SelectItem("Power", "Power"));
                 public void initCountries() {
                      if (countryList == null) {
                           countryList = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
                      ArrayList<String> tmp = (ArrayList) entityManager.createQuery(
                      for (String country : tmp) {
                           System.out.println("Country = " + country);
                           SelectItem si = new SelectItem(country, country);


                  * @return the bedfordList
                 public List<PercentageDay> getBedfordList() {
                      return bedfordList;

                  * @return the maynardList
                 public List<PercentageDay> getMaynardList() {
                      return maynardList;

                  * @return the engine
                 public String getEngine() {
                      if (engine == null) {
                           engine = "Power";
                      return engine;

                  * @param engine the engine to set
                 public void setEngine(String engine) {
                      this.engine = engine;

                  * @return the country
                 public String getCountry() {
                      if (country == null) {
                           country = "US";
                      return country;

                  * @param country the country to set
                 public void setCountry(String country) {
                      this.country = country;

                 public String getMonth() {
                      if (month == null) {
                           Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
                           month = Integer.toString(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH));
                      return month;

                 public void setMonth(String month) {
                      this.month = month;


            I cut out a lot of the code in the hopes it would make the important stuff more obvious.
            I also changed the h:command to s:button and added, in the xxx.page.xml an action for the button. I think my remaining issue is synchronizing the controls with what the user input had set it to, after the action completes.